Musician Amazed by Instrumentation of Divine Performing Arts Orchestra

“And I truly admire the idea of whoever put this together to preserve the culture and to extend it to the world.”
Musician Amazed by Instrumentation of Divine Performing Arts Orchestra
'It's totally new, new music. The instrumentation is amazing.' said Mr Vargas. The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="'It's totally new, new music. The instrumentation is amazing.' said Mr Vargas. (The Epoch Times)" title="'It's totally new, new music. The instrumentation is amazing.' said Mr Vargas. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1831212"/></a>
'It's totally new, new music. The instrumentation is amazing.' said Mr Vargas. (The Epoch Times)
SEATTLE—Professional guitar player, Mr. Vargas was extremely impressed by the music of the DPA Orchestra when he attended the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle on Sunday Jan. 18.

“It’s totally new, new music. The instrumentation is amazing. To be able to enjoy all the Chinese instruments put together with a Western orchestra—that’s just such a treat. It’s something I haven’t heard before and it is just beautiful.”

Mr. Vargas continued: “Actually the whole show is completely outstanding. It’s a combination of excellent music, the colors, the artistry of the dancers and choreography, excellent. Totally bringing you to an enjoyable world or fantasy. Spectacular! It was a rare treat!”

Besides fantasy, the show really brought Mr. Vargas new insights into the culture of China that made him want to delve into the real history and meaning of this ancient land. “This show made me think about a lot of new things and makes me want to do my homework on what China is all about. This show was actually a visual teaching experience about the culture of China. It definitely turns on your curiosity to find out what else is behind there, behind all these dances.

“And I truly admire the idea of whoever put this together to preserve the culture and to extend it to the world. I’m pretty sure that a lot of people who were here tonight are going to think differently about Chinese culture.”

With the commencement of the DPA 2009 World Tour just before Christmas, three DPA companies will perform in 20 countries over the next four months, reaching an estimated live audience of around 800,000.

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