‘It was a complete surprise’

“It was a surprise. It was a complete surprise,” Ms. Tatro said. “My husband and I have been to China, and I’m Tibetan. And this just brings it home. It’s wonderful!”
‘It was a complete surprise’

PHILADELPHIA—The second day of the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) show in Philadelphia was an enchanting surprise for many during the holiday season. Among them were Ms. Tatro, a retired nurse, her daughter, and her two daughter-in-laws.

“It was a surprise. It was a complete surprise,” Ms. Tatro said. “My husband and I have been to China, and I’m Tibetan. And this just brings it home. It’s wonderful!”

She explained that when they visited China, they were taken to a traditional opera with music “very hard to listen to.” Although they saw jugglers, they never saw dancing.

“And this is wonderful, just great—just to watch,” said Ms. Tatro. “I enjoyed the fact that this is not Chinese from China. And that they’ve carried their traditions so closely.” Her favorite piece was not a traditional Chinese story, though performed in classical Chinese dance.

“I liked the one, the persecution Persecuted on a Sacred Path. It struck a chord.”

 For more information please visit DivinePerformingArts.org

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