‘It was an excellent show, it brought tears to my eyes.’

Ms. Andria, a Polynesian dancer/singer/actress, attended the final 2009 performance of DPA at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium was on Sunday.
‘It was an excellent show, it brought tears to my eyes.’

PASADENA, Calif.—The final 2009 performance of Divine Performing Arts (DPA) at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium was on Sunday. Several audience members shared their experiences after the show.

Ms. Andria is a Polynesian dancer/singer/actress. She said, “It was an excellent show, it brought tears to my eyes.”

“There was a couple of spiritual ... numbers where the story alone touched my heart. I just thought it [would be] … acrobats, but its not. It’s gracefully done, it’s beautiful.”

Ms. Andria continued by telling how the show affected her. “This makes me want to connect with my great grandfather, who is Chinese, because for a long time I really didn’t pay attention to my roots. So it’s made me want to pay more attention to the culture, and to what each province represents. A lot of the roots have been lost in China for [other] performance [groups], and with this one they … make it ... authentic … digging deeper into the roots of history. So they’re not just dancing to dance. They’re dancing to present history, and that’s what makes them different. It’s authentic.”

Ms. Guerrero is an accounts management expert. “Sometimes we forget [about hope], with all the problems and the recession that we are having,” she said. “When you see the colors, it gives you more hope, it gives you more peace. It is a representation of what’s to come; it gives you more happiness.”

Ms. Guerrero is planning on returning as well. “I feel like I would like to see it again. It will be a long year to wait.”

Ms. Goslicka is a visual artist. She said, “I thought that was really important, looking for the spiritual solutions to the sociopolitical problems happening in China, and the loss of the culture that’s being dwarfed by communism.”

“I thought the final act was really beautiful. I liked the one with the spring flowers. That was really well done.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour.
For more information, please visit DivinePerformingArts.org