Chinese Teacher: DPA Gives ‘Confidence, pride, dignity’

“DPA gave me confidence, gave me pride, gave me dignity—the dignity for being a Chinese.”
Chinese Teacher: DPA Gives ‘Confidence, pride, dignity’
Chinese people at Divine Performing Arts show on Saturday afternoon reconnected to the true culture of China. Youzhi Ma/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Chinese people at Divine Performing Arts show on Saturday afternoon reconnected to the true culture of China. (Youzhi Ma/The Epoch Times)" title="Chinese people at Divine Performing Arts show on Saturday afternoon reconnected to the true culture of China. (Youzhi Ma/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1831051"/></a>
Chinese people at Divine Performing Arts show on Saturday afternoon reconnected to the true culture of China. (Youzhi Ma/The Epoch Times)

NEW YORK—As Chinese New Year approaches, many Chinese people visiting New York, from China, have had the opportunity to enjoy celebrating in a special way at the famed Radio City Music Hall.

On Saturday, January 24, Divine Performing Arts (DPA) Chinese New Year Splendor attracted a full-house; the audience included people from many different ethnic backgrounds. Among them was Ms. Wu, a Chinese teacher from Mainland China.

Ms. Wu has been in New York City, for a while, on a family visit. She was utterly surprised to see such a good show, she explained that she had tears in her eyes throughout the performance.

“This performance stunned me. I was never able to imagine that Chinese people can still return to their original traditions. They are very bright, brilliant, righteous, lively, and spiritual. Most of all, they are strong yet gentle. It’s inconceivable! It is not only their artistic level that touched me. I reacted to the comprehensive showcase—a reaction from my heart,” she said.

The theater, Radio City Music Hall, is a high-class venue and DPA’s use of lighting and backdrops are all superb, intricate and creative, displaying a wonderful effect on stage.

The show even drew comment from the theater staff; some saying they have never seen such a perfect show. One staff member at Radio City Music Hall said that the venue has hosted many, many prestigious shows, yet DPA is “beyond of the beyond” and “second to none.”

Ms. Wu continued with her praise of the show. “DPA gave me confidence, gave me pride, gave me dignity—the dignity for being a Chinese. I believe that if people in Mainland China can see this show with their own eyes, they will be much more astonished than Westerners. I think they’ll be absolutely shocked.”

“They [DPA performers] are true Chinese people. This is what Chinese people should be like. This really, really showcases the greatness of Chinese people.”

Ms. Wu is planning to open up an old-style private school upon returning to China. “In China right now, many small old-style private schools still exist. They wear traditional clothing, teach etiquette—I think that’s really nice. Too bad I cannot do much more than that, but I really hope China can become a better place. I hope Chinese people can one day ‘stand up.’”

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