DPA Congratulated for Commiment to Bring Ancient China to the World’s Stage

Messages welcoming the Divine Performing Arts [DPA]‘Chinese New Year Spectacular’ to the Orpheum Theater in Memphis earlier this month.
DPA Congratulated for Commiment to Bring Ancient China to the World’s Stage

MEMPHIS, Tenn.—Messages welcoming the Divine Performing Arts [DPA]Chinese New Year Spectacular to the Orpheum Theater in Memphis earlier this month, were extended by the Mayor of the City of Bartlett, Mr. McDonald; Mayor of Shelby County Mr. Wharton; and Mayor of the City of Memphis, Mr. Hereton.

Memphis Mayor Mr. Hereton’s opening address centered upon the thousands worldwide who would experience the Chinese Spectacular shows live in over 80 cities around the world [from December, 2008 through May 2009]—“an expression of Chinese classical dance, showcasing genuine traditional Chinese culture with pure truthfulness, pure compassion and pure beauty.”

Mr. Hereton commended DPA for their achievements in rediscovering the traditional cultural arts of China, a blend of “divine charm of the East with the spirit of the West.”

“This show brings to the same stage hundreds of dancers, musicians, and vocalists; and with the unique use of background scenery, costumes and choreography, making the Chinese Spectacular a wonderful cultural observance,” he proclaimed. “DPA is to be commended for its continued efforts to bring the best of Chinese culture to Memphis and to the entire world.”

Bartlett Mayor, Mr. McDonald recognized DPA performances as being free from the influence of communism.

“Through original choreography, the art of classical, ethnic, folk and story based dance performances [China’s traditional cultre] have been appreciated on some of the most famous stages internationally. In 2008, approximately 600,000 people in over 60 cities experienced the revived beauty of this ancient Chinese art.”

Shelby County Government Mayor, Mr. Wharton, welcomed the celebration of “the pure excellence and grandeur of classical Chinese dance and music, the show is inspired by the myths, legends, and divine beauty of 5000 years of traditional Chinese culture.

“We affirm support for this precious cultural heritage, and integral part of Memphis’ multicultural society, and appreciate the cherished values expressed by Divine Performing Arts and shared by fellow residents of Shelby County.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts. Please see DivinePerformingArts.org for more information.