‘It looked like butterflies,’ Says Global Manager

The curtain fell to a standing ovation at Divine Performing Arts’ premier performance in Rochester on Saturday afternoon.
‘It looked like butterflies,’ Says Global Manager
Ms. Ziccarelli, and left to right, Kaitlin, Whitney, and Alyssa Matthew Little/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/XerGlomanager.JPG" alt="Ms. Ziccarelli, and left to right, Kaitlin, Whitney, and Alyssa (Matthew Little/The Epoch Times)" title="Ms. Ziccarelli, and left to right, Kaitlin, Whitney, and Alyssa (Matthew Little/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830245"/></a>
Ms. Ziccarelli, and left to right, Kaitlin, Whitney, and Alyssa (Matthew Little/The Epoch Times)
ROCHESTER, N.Y.—The curtain fell to a standing ovation at Divine Performing Arts’ (DPA’s) premier performance in Rochester on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 21. Among the delighted audience members was Ms. Ziccarelli with a trio of young girls.

Ms. Ziccarelli, global manager for an international company, came with 10-year-old daughter Alyssa and two of her best friends, Whitney and Kaitlin.

“I thought it was absolutely amazing. It’s been colorful and very full of energy,” said Ms. Ziccarelli.

Whitney agreed: “I thought the show was beautiful and colorful. The dancers were just amazing, and the stories in the show were very touching in many different ways.”

Kaitlin also loved the colors. Her friend Alyssa was particularly impressed by Drummers of the Tang Court, an energetic performance celebrating the glory of China’s celebrated Tang dynasty.

“I really like the show with all the drumming and all the performing so far. I really like the drummers!” Kaitlin said.

Ms. Ziccarelli was particularly taken by Welcoming Spring, a vibrant fan dance, exemplifying China’s folk tradition. “It looked like butterflies,” she said.

She was also captivated by the dancers’ technical ability. “I loved their flexibility. I love seeing what they’re able to do with their bodies, and I just love the energy that they’re able to display and how much feeling and effort that they’ve put into this.

“It really tells the story. It’s about passion, it’s about energy, and it’s about living life to its fullest and just how involved they are being able to display this. It’s wonderful!” she said.

While she enjoyed the color and technique of the show, Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution particularly touched her. The dance tells the tale of a young father who is persecuted for practicing Falun Dafa, a traditional spiritual discipline, but is ultimately rewarded by heaven for his faith and goodness.

“I thought that was so sincere, and the little girl portrayed so much love. Just the frustration level of not being able to do what you’re passionate about—it really stood out for me,” Ms. Ziccarelli said.

Divine Performing Arts performed two shows in Rochester Auditorium Theatre before continuing on its 2009 World Tour.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Divine Performing Arts.
For more information please see DivinePerformingArts.org