Director of Consulate Protocol: DPA Show Is for the Heart

“This is not only for the eyes, the ears of course, but also the heart, yes!” Mr. Van den Hove continued.
Director of Consulate Protocol: DPA Show Is for the Heart
'It is a message of hope.' (Yue Zhang/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="'It is a message of hope.' (Yue Zhang/The Epoch Times)" title="'It is a message of hope.' (Yue Zhang/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830124"/></a>
'It is a message of hope.' (Yue Zhang/The Epoch Times)

ANTWERP, Belgium—The Divine Performing Arts (DPA) New York Company’s show at the Stadsschouwburg, the City Theatre in central Antwerp, enthralled the audience on Tuesday, Feb. 24.

Mr. Van den Hove, Director of Consulate Protocol for the Kingdom of Belgium, was moved by the performance. He felt it was very deep, and that he needed time to better understand what he had experienced.

“I need some time, I think one needs some time, to ponder, to see, to find out, to feel the show that one has just seen. … Time is needed to let it penetrate.

“This is not only for the eyes, the ears of course, but also the heart, yes!

“It is the freshness, the lightness, the grace of the movements, and we are a bit ... one just wants to fly away towards new horizons, new skies.”

Mr. Van den Hove considered the DPA performance to have a quality that he had not experienced in other shows.

He explained, “In my opinion, is more than dance and choreography. There is probably a message behind it. There probably is something deeper. There probably is something that one can feel in this show that can’t be found in other shows, where everything is on stage and no thinking is needed, where there is just the music and the choreography, while I feel there is something else.

“It is a message of hope, but I have seen something new, complete, something that comprises several elements at the same time.”

The DPA has two shows on Wednesday, Feb. 25 at the Stadsschouwburg in Antwerp before continuing its World Tour in Paris on Saturday, Feb. 28.

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