CEO: ‘Music and singing outstanding’

‘The show is excellent; it obviously has a lot of deep meaning for the Chinese people.’
CEO: ‘Music and singing outstanding’

SAN DIEGO—"I thought the orchestra was outstanding, and the two soloists were excellent.” This was how Bill Klehm described the Divine Performing Arts show he had just finished watching at San Diego’s Civic Theatre on Dec. 27.

Mr. Klehm, who heads a technology company, commented on the history of the stories portrayed in the show saying, ”The 5,000 years of history comes through in a way to communicate it to everybody through the generations, through dance, and also through art.”

“The show is excellent; it obviously has a lot of deep meaning for the Chinese people.” said Mr. Klehm.

“That story with the little girl [who] lost her father, and her father went away. That was a sad story. It was a happy ending, but it was a sad story, very deep.”

The variations portrayed in the show also impressed him.

“Lots of color. And from the different regions, the Tibetan Region, the Southwestern Region—it’s such a big country. You have lots of people, and you have a large variation in a lot of the dance. Very impressive.”

Mr. Klehm was at the show with hair designer Heesook Berrier who said, “...when the father died, and then the child said goodbye, dad was going to heaven, that made me cry; that really choked me.”

He was particularly impressed by an array of beautiful color.

“Usually, you go to shows and the dances are more loud and exciting, jumping around but this is, I guess this is more, a lot more Chinese custom, more meaningful, more spiritual.”

  Please see DivinePerformingArts. org for more information.


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