‘A message of freedom for the real spirit of China’

“It´s really elegant. They move very gracefully. It´s also an ancient culture.” Mrs. Matthieu said.
‘A message of freedom for the real spirit of China’
Mr. Etienne Fleurent and friend and tennis partner Mrs. van Krunkelsven in the foyer of the venue. The Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/antwerp.jpg" alt="Judge Matthieu and Mrs. Matthieu enjoy Divine Performing Arts at Antwerp's Stadsstchouwburg on Feb. 25.  (The Epoch Times)" title="Judge Matthieu and Mrs. Matthieu enjoy Divine Performing Arts at Antwerp's Stadsstchouwburg on Feb. 25.  (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830035"/></a>
Judge Matthieu and Mrs. Matthieu enjoy Divine Performing Arts at Antwerp's Stadsstchouwburg on Feb. 25.  (The Epoch Times)

ANTWERP, Belgium—Divine Performing Arts (DPA) finished its run at Antwerp’s famed musical venue, Stadsstchouwburg, on Feb 25.

Judge Matthieu and his wife thoroughly enjoyed the show and its a presentation of classical Chinese dance—a unique art form that dates back millennia.

Mrs. Matthieu, a dermatologist who does Arabian dance for a hobby, admired the award-winning artists’ fluid movements.

“It´s really elegant. They move very gracefully. It´s also an ancient culture, and I sense a message of freedom for the real spirit of China,” she said.

Mr. Matthieu has been to China and said the DPA show was “very nice.”

“This is not crude like what you see nowadays in China. It is against oppression, we feel that. Very, very beautiful. We liked it.”

Story-based dance is one of the trademarks of the DPA performances and two pieces highlight the oppression of Falun Gong: Dignity and Compassion and Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution. Both tend to have a profound affect on audience members, even moving some to tears. Falun Gong is a traditional meditation practice that was outlawed by the Chinese regime in 1999.

Also in the audience was a family from West Flanders, two sisters, and their children, who took a day off from work just the see the show.

Inga is responsible for the loan section for a small branch of a large Dutch bank, and her sister Ilse is secretary of a plastics company.

“It was a nice, splendid show. We got to know something about the Chinese culture, and we learned that the Falun Gong movement is persecuted in China,” Inga said.

“We enjoyed the show very much. It was really, really good, and we want to come back next year.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Divine Performing Arts. Please see DivinePerformingArts.org for more information.