Dog With Festering Head Wound Went to Die in a Basement–but One Man Refused to Let That Happen

Dog With Festering Head Wound Went to Die in a Basement–but One Man Refused to Let That Happen
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
Most of us would like to think that when faced with someone in desperate need we’d do as much as we can to help out. For the volunteers of Animal Aid Unlimited, helping out means rescuing animals in need.

One particular rescue involved a wounded homeless dog that had found his way into the basement of a shop and lain down to die. Weak from malnutrition, and fighting a horrific infestation of maggots in a gaping open wound on his head, the dog seemed like a lost cause.

(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)

But luckily, the local rescue organization extended its mission to even the worst cases imaginable. Despite the seemingly dire situation of the dog in question, one of their volunteers went down into the basement and quickly carried the dog up to be treated elsewhere.

Even though the lack of nutrition had left the dog starving and emaciated—and the awful, festering wound would take much care and time to heal—the man knew that it was worth his time to attempt to save even one more life that day.

The group recorded the rescue as a way to promote their cause and posted the video on their YouTube channel.

(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)

The video shows medical staff as they began to treat the dog’s ghastly condition. After cleaning the head wound, they were able to begin bandaging and administering proper medical care. Over time, they fed and bathed the dog, making sure that he saw plenty of love as they cleaned and cared for his wound day after day and week after week.

It ultimately took nine weeks of daily medical treatment for the wound on the dog, named Jerry by his rescuers, to properly heal.

In time, Jerry went from what had seemed like an inevitable lost cause to a friendly, kindhearted pup that knew the power of love and compassion. He learned to stand for hugs and beg for extra cuddles, and he put on weight as he got healthier and healthier under the care of the non-profit.

(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)

Jerry truly served as proof that the right intervention and care can provide hope for even the most hopeless-seeming cases. In a society where over 200 million dogs across the globe lack homes, according to World Health Organization estimates, such charitable deeds help us remember that our actions can make a difference—even if it means saving only one life.

All it takes is making the first move to save a four-legged friend—and even in the cases that seem the most devoid of hope, there may be a happy ending.

(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited)
Video courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited ( WebsiteInstagramFacebook | Twitter )
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