Doctor Who Sings After Babies Are Born, Says, ‘Bringing Life Into This World Is a Great Privilege’

Doctor Who Sings After Babies Are Born, Says, ‘Bringing Life Into This World Is a Great Privilege’
Dr. de Jesus sings as he introduces babies to their mothers. Courtesy of Dr. Luis M de Jesus
Tyler Wilson

The first time a mother lays eyes on her newborn is a precious moment. To mark the occasion, an OB-GYN from the Dominican Republic joyfully sings as he introduces babies to their mothers.

“Bringing life into this world is a great privilege,” Dr. Luis Manuel de Jesus told The Epoch Times. “[It’s] very fulfilling for me.”

Dr. de Jesus is a <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">gynecologist, </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">obstetrician, and oncologist who lives in Santo Domingo and works in <span style="font-weight: 400;">San Cristóbal.</span> </span>(Courtesy of Dr. Luis M de Jesus)
Dr. de Jesus is a gynecologist, obstetrician, and oncologist who lives in Santo Domingo and works in San Cristóbal. Courtesy of Dr. Luis M de Jesus

The 46-year-old doctor who works at Centro Médico GRUMED, which belongs to Grupo Médico San Cristóbal, with his wife, Diana Figueroa, also an OB-GYN, loved singing from a young age, eventually joining a church choir.

As his love for music blossomed, Dr. de Jesus was drawn to participate in performances at his school.

“We did the choir, and everyone sang behind me,” he said. “At recess, I composed songs.”

Studying to become a general doctor at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, Dr. de Jesus joined the university choir too.

For a year before he graduated, he was a part of the choir at the Dominican-American Institute—a private English-language institute.

Later, as he went on to study gynecology, obstetrics, and oncology, Dr. de Jesus found himself with no time to attend rehearsals, but his passion for singing didn’t fade.

One day, while introducing a patient to her newborn for the first time, he decided to sing to the pair in his melodious voice.

“I saw that she was very pleased,” he said, adding that after seeing footage of the moment on social media, other patients asked him to sing at their deliveries, too.
Screenshot of Dr. de Jesus singing while introducing a mom to her newborn for the first time. (Courtesy of Dr. Luis M de Jesus)
Screenshot of Dr. de Jesus singing while introducing a mom to her newborn for the first time. Courtesy of Dr. Luis M de Jesus

Soon, his singing began to regularly permeate the maternity ward.

Knowing how incredibly stressful childbirth can be, Dr. de Jesus now frequently goes the extra mile to support his patients by singing during labor to help them feel “relaxed, calm, and happy.”

The songs he sings are sometimes requested by the mothers and other times, they are suggestions he believes will help establish a beautiful connection between the mother and baby.

If a mother is of Christian faith, Dr. de Jesus sings Christian songs to comfort her in the trying moment.

Additionally, to help ease the pain of his patients’ contractions and to shorten their labor time, the singing doctor also incorporates dancing with the expectant mother.
(Courtesy of Dr. Luis M de Jesus)
Courtesy of Dr. Luis M de Jesus

For Dr. de Jesus doing what’s right for his patients stems from his faith. He said: “I feel the Lord [telling me], ‘Look, do this.' And when I do it. ... I am amazed.”

With faith as his anchor, Dr. de Jesus has experienced “miracles,” when faced with challenging situations. For example, in the case of his secretary’s pregnancy.

Sharing her story, he said she was 37 weeks pregnant and had gestational diabetes. Dr. de Jesus had a feeling that she needed to undergo a cesarean section earlier than planned, and when he delivered the baby, he saw why.

The baby had passed meconium inside the uterus.

“It was a very thick meconium ... he had been several days in intrauterine stress,” Dr. de Jesus said. “The baby was in suffering.”

Crediting God for helping him make the right decision, he said that if he had left the baby for another 24 hours in the womb, “the results would have been different,” as the baby would have suffered “intrauterine death, or stillbirth.”

Dr. de Jesus with his wife at the clinic. (Courtesy of Dr. Luis M de Jesus)
Dr. de Jesus with his wife at the clinic. Courtesy of Dr. Luis M de Jesus
The father of three, who resides in Santo Domingo, had aspired to be a doctor since he was a child.

“I practiced with animals if something went wrong,” he said. “If I saw a chicken, for example, [if] it had a bad foot, I made a bandage. If it had a wound, I would look for aspirin. I would grind it; put it on so that it would heal faster.”

From helping ailing animals to creating a safe and comfortable entrance for babies into this world, Dr. de Jesus has come a long way.

Dr. de Jesus with his family. (Courtesy of Dr. Luis M de Jesus)
Dr. de Jesus with his family. Courtesy of Dr. Luis M de Jesus
Watch Dr. de Jesus singing while introducing a mother to her newborn for the first time here.
Daksha Devnani contributed to this report.
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Tyler Wilson
Tyler Wilson
Tyler lives and scrambles among the mountains of Utah with his wife and 3 children. He has taught history and literature in public and private school settings. He currently teaches at a private school and homeschools his children with his wife. He writes news and human interest stories.
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