Retired Company Head: ‘Very exciting, very well rehearsed’

“I approve very much of making people more aware of the conditions in China and the spiritual side of the old civilization.”
Retired Company Head: ‘Very exciting, very well rehearsed’

LONDON—Mr. Zafiropulo has a special relationship with Chinese culture.  He and his first cousin ran a shipping company, carrying cargo to and from China and brokering deals to do with ships from China and other Far East countries.  He said he did a great deal of maritime business around China.  Not only his career but also his family life is tied to China.  He said, “I was always very interested with Chinese civilization. My wife is half Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, but she is from China, Fujian Province originally and [so are] her ancestors. I have always been fascinated with the Chinese culture.”

He saw the opening night performance of Divine Performing Arts (DPA) in London on March 3. He said, “I enjoyed the show and I wish ... that you have a lot of success. ...”  He thought it was important that people become “more aware of the conditions in China and the spiritual side of the old civilization.”

Mr. Zafiropulo found the first half of the performance “very, very interesting. Very exciting, very well rehearsed, very nice, yes.

“I thought the story was very interesting. I thought the philosophy is very interesting.” He said he felt he understood and supported the intentions of the artists. According to the program, the company aims to “create and perform works that center upon the true, divinely bestowed culture of humankind, and to provide an experience of consummate beauty and goodness.”

Some of the narrative dances portray ancient legends and well known figures, including the Monkey King, dutiful daughter Mulan and the poet Li Bai. Some are folk dances, such as Dance of the Yi and a Tibetan Dance of the Snow-Capped Mountain. Others are contemporary Chinese stories.

The retired shipping company director wished the performers well and said, “It’s very enjoyable.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Divine Performing Arts.
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