County Assembly Speaker: Shen Yun Ushers People into the Right Direction

“The Shen Yun show has helped us further understand the profoundness and broadness of the 5000-year old Chinese culture.”
County Assembly Speaker: Shen Yun Ushers People into the Right Direction
<a><img src="" alt="Chiayi County Assembly Speaker Yu Cheng-ta highly praised Shen Yun Performing Arts show in Chiayi, in central Taiwan.  (Luo Ruixun/ The Epoch Times)" title="Chiayi County Assembly Speaker Yu Cheng-ta highly praised Shen Yun Performing Arts show in Chiayi, in central Taiwan.  (Luo Ruixun/ The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1829691"/></a>
Chiayi County Assembly Speaker Yu Cheng-ta highly praised Shen Yun Performing Arts show in Chiayi, in central Taiwan.  (Luo Ruixun/ The Epoch Times)

CHIAYI, Taiwan— After watching Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company’s show in Chiayi, Chiayi County Assembly Speaker Yu Cheng-ta highly praised the two full house shows. He said, “The realization Shen Yun’s world class show left to us was that regardless of how bad things get, we still should try to improve ourselves as people.”

It was the first time Mr. Yu and his wife watched the Shen Yun show, but they were deeply touched by the magnificent performance and its implications. “Thanks to Shen Yun for ushering us into the right direction,” Mr. Yu added.

Mr. Yu said, “Before I decided to see the show, my colleague in the Assembly told me that I would regret it if I didn’t go see it. It turned out that what he said was true. After watching the show, I grasped how I should proceed with my life.”

While Mr. Yu was praising the Shen Yun show, his wife smiled and nodded her head to approve of what her husband said.

After seeing the show and having a new perspective on life, Mrs. Yu could not help telling the Epoch Times her own feelings. She said, “The Shen Yun show has helped us further understand the profoundness and broadness of the 5000-year old Chinese culture. People nowadays seem to have long forgotten the concept of compassion. Shen Yun’s program seems to lead us and inspire us to bring back the long-lost concept of compassion. Everyone should come to appreciate Shen Yun’s magnificence and gracefulness.”

“Human beings are lost in delusion and have forgotten the concept of compassion.  This show seems to bring back this concept and kind heart. It may help us return to our true self.”

Mrs. Yu especially liked the piece The Udumbara’s Bloom. She explained that the Shen Yun show has helped her come to realize divine messages in the program, and that she was indeed deeply touched by the show. The masters of ceremonies explained that according to Buddhist scriptures, Udumbara flowers bloom once every three thousand years. When the Udumbara blossoms again, it is to mark the return of the Holy King Who Turns the Wheel rectifying the Dharma in the world. In recent years, Udumbara flowers have surprisingly appeared in various places around the world, so she believed that Shen Yun’s dissemination of this auspicious news to the public will bring blessings and hope for people around the world.

Commenting on people’s dire situation today, she said, “They are worried too much about their own interests, about power and other trivial matters in their lives.”

Mr. Yu added, “Each piece of the program was very impressive.  More people in Chiayi should come to the show so as to improve our cultural standard. Shen Yun’s presentation here can enhance the quality of the cultural activities in Chiayi County and help improve our cultural environment.”

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