‘It was beautiful,’ Says College Director

“One of the most beautiful [aspects] was the dance, especially the female ones. It’s beautiful. It’s magnificent.”
‘It was beautiful,’ Says College Director
Mr. Eisen, director of a center for international education, brought 20 students along with him. The Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/DPAEisenRochester2.jpg" alt="Mr. Eisen, director of a center for international education, brought 20 students along with him. (The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. Eisen, director of a center for international education, brought 20 students along with him. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830228"/></a>
Mr. Eisen, director of a center for international education, brought 20 students along with him. (The Epoch Times)
ROCHESTER, N.Y.—For Mr. Eisen, director of a center for international education at a nearby liberal arts college, Saturday night’s Divine Performing Arts (DPA) show in Rochester was the perfect opportunity to introduce students to another culture. So, he brought 20 students along with him.

“It’s a fantastic introduction [to Chinese culture]. Let me tell you, the best introduction is dance. That’s the universal language. Music is [also] a universal language, so it’s important,” said Mr. Eisen.

Consisting primarily of vocal music and classical Chinese dance, DPA gains its inspiration from traditional Chinese culture and features performances “that are not only entertaining and beautiful but also educational, enriching, and uplifting,” as the show’s Web site describes.

“There were powerful as well as very delicate movements. It was beautiful.

“The power of the drums is unbelievable.

“One of the most beautiful [aspects] was the dance, especially the female ones. It’s beautiful. It’s magnificent. The most beautiful thing is the delicacy of the movements.

“You put together the power with these beautiful dances—it’s fantastic.

“I love Chinese music so much. You will find [that] with the drums, they’re all exuding power—the force. And then you have very delicate movements with the music—that’s very nice, ” said Mr. Eisen.

  For more information, please visit Divineperformingarts.org
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