Develop the Eye of the Loon for Fun and Profit

Terry Paulson

Some people say that managers and leaders need to develop the eye of the tiger they’re driven and they’re focused on winning, and they have that drive to see things through to completion. Okay, I think there’s an element of truth in that. We need to have a drive, a commitment, a desire to make things happen. But I also believe you don’t just need the eye of the tiger, you need the eye of the loon.


Well, anytime something comes up and it’s funny and you want to hold on to it, and you may be able to use it in the future, put in that humor file. When you need humor, all you got to do is go through that file, find examples of that, and share it as a way of bringing humor to a day that otherwise is just downright painful and serious. So, I hope you take time to read my article at Epoch Times Good Leaders Make Humor Work On The Job.” 

Thanks for watching.

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Terry Paulson has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and a M.A. in lay theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. In addition to being a contributing author to The Epoch Times, he’s an op-ed columnist for He’s author of “The Optimism Advantage,” “They Shoot Managers Don’t They,” and “Leadership Truths One Story at a Time.” As a professional speaker and trainer, he helps leaders and teams leverage optimism to make change work.
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