Florist Designer: ‘The music is phenomenal.’

The highly acclaimed Divine Performing Arts (DPA) 2009 World Tour presentation was held at the Eisemann Center,Feb 4. Mr. Lee Nguyen was among those who were thrilled by the performance.
Florist Designer: ‘The music is phenomenal.’
Mr. Nguyen and his family at the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour in Dallas. The Epoch Times
Cat Rooney
<a><img src="" alt="Mr. Nguyen and his family at the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour in Dallas. (The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. Nguyen and his family at the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour in Dallas. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830680"/></a>
Mr. Nguyen and his family at the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour in Dallas. (The Epoch Times)

RICHARDSON, Texas—The highly acclaimed Divine Performing Arts (DPA) 2009 World Tour presentation was held at the Eisemann Center, Feb 4. Mr. Lee Nguyen was among those who were thrilled by the performance.

Mr. Nguyen, a florist designer from Florida, is originally from Vietnam. He brought his entire family along to watch DPA, two daughters 11 and 5 and son who is 9.

This is the first time that Mr. Nguyen’s family has watched a traditional Chinese traditional performing arts, and they weren’t disappointed. The stage came alive featuring gorgeously costumed dancers moving in stunning synchronized patterns, picturesque backdrops, thunderous drumming, ancient tales of heroism and modern stories of courage, and live orchestra accompaniment.

“The kids really love this. I can see it in my daughter with her hands moving up and down. Everything is great. The music is phenomenal, I love the music,” Mr. Nguyen said.

Groundbreaking music combines the best of Western and Chinese original composition performed by internationally acclaimed musicians and composers among an ensemble of 40 members all sharing a commitment to renewing the classical arts.

DPA’s guiding mission is to rediscover and renew humanity’s true heritage. The New York-based company thereby performs works centered upon the true, divinely bestowed culture of humankind and seeks to provide an experience of consummate beauty.

Commenting on what his children enjoyed, Mr. Nguyen said his daughter favored Mulan Joins the Battle.

Ancient tales of courage played out upon the stage are a trademark of the DPA.  In Mulan Joins the Battle history is recounted when loyalty and service to one’s parents and one’s country were foremost.  The story of Mulan is a popular one in China made into an animated feature movie by Walt Disney pictures.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts. Please see for more information.


Cat Rooney
Cat Rooney
Cat Rooney is a photographer based in the Midwest. She has been telling stories through digital images as a food, stock, and assignment photojournalist for Epoch Times since 2006. Her experience as a food photographer had a natural expansion into recipe developer in 2012, thus her Twitter handle @RecipeGirl007.