Cultivating Self-Awareness: An Essential of Effective Leadership

Cultivating Self-Awareness: An Essential of Effective Leadership
Mark Sanborn


As a leader, I firmly believe that self-awareness is the cornerstone of effective leadership. In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, leaders who possess a deep understanding of themselves can navigate challenges with clarity, make informed decisions, and inspire their teams to do the same and achieve success.

Yet according to Gitnux, “Self-awareness is an important skill to have to be successful and happy. Unfortunately, statistics show that only 10–15 percent of people are truly self-aware, while 85 percent believe they are more aware than they actually are. Additionally, roughly 50–70 percent of people have a significant blind spot which can negatively impact their relationships and leadership skills.”

Korn Ferry says nearly 80 percent of leaders have blind spot. That’s not particularly surprising since most of us have blind spots, regardless of our roles. But a blind spot in a leader has a greater ripple affect, often impacting the people they lead.

The Importance of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the ability to introspect and recognize our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It empowers leaders to identify their strengths, weaknesses, values, and blind spots. By being conscious of our own impact on others, we can build strong relationships, foster a positive work environment, and make mindful choices that align with our vision and goals.

Types of Self-Awareness

1) Emotional Self-Awareness

This type of self-awareness involves recognizing and understanding our own emotions. Leaders who possess emotional self-awareness can manage their emotions effectively, remain calm in challenging situations, and respond empathetically to their team members’ needs. By being attuned to our emotions, we can create an environment where open communication and trust flourish.

2) Social Self-Awareness

Social self-awareness refers to understanding how we are perceived by others. Leaders with social self-awareness have a keen sense of the impact of their words, actions, and body language on those around them. By honing this skill, we can adjust our communication style, build rapport, and inspire loyalty and collaboration within our teams.

3) Strengths and Weaknesses Self-Awareness

Recognizing our strengths and weaknesses is crucial for effective leadership. Leaders who possess this self-awareness can leverage their strengths to drive success and seek support or delegate tasks that align with their weaknesses. By understanding our limitations, we can foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within our organizations.

Developing Self-Awareness

Here are some of the most important tools for developing self-awareness.

1) Reflection and Meditation

Carve out dedicated time for introspection and self-reflection. Engage in mindfulness practices or meditation to quiet the mind and gain deeper insights into your thoughts, emotions, and motivations.

2) Feedback

Actively seek feedback from trusted colleagues, mentors, and team members. Encourage honest and constructive feedback to gain a comprehensive view of how your actions impact others.

3) Journaling

Maintain a journal to capture your thoughts, experiences, and lessons learned. This practice can help you identify patterns, recognize triggers, and track your personal growth as a leader.

4) Assessments and Tools

Utilize various self-assessment tools, such as personality assessments or 360-degree feedback, to gain objective insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and leadership style.

5) Continuous Learning

Engage in professional development activities, attend workshops, or pursue executive coaching. These avenues can provide fresh perspectives, challenge your assumptions, and enhance your self-awareness journey.

Self-awareness is an invaluable trait that enables leaders to make informed decisions, build strong relationships, and inspire their teams. Through introspection, seeking feedback, journaling, and continuous learning, leaders can cultivate self-awareness and create a positive impact on themselves, their teams, and their organizations.

Assess your own self-awareness regularly.

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Mark holds the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association (NSA) and is a member of the Speaker Hall of Fame. He was recently honored with the Cavett Award, the highest honor the NSA bestows on its members, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the speaking profession. In 2020, Global Gurus named Mark the #5 Leadership Authority in the world. Visit his website at
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