Video: Couple Surprises Family and Friends With Baby

Epoch Video

An amazing video has surfaced online of a young couple arriving at their friends and family’s houses with a surprise that no one could have predicted – their one month old baby daughter.

The video starts with one friend proclaiming loudly to the camera that, “You guys had a kid and didn’t tell anybody?” The surprises don’t stop there as we then cut to the happy parents sitting in a car, their tiny daughter, who we are told is called Ivy, between them as they prepare to surprise friends and family.

The proud father goes on to introduce the child and explain that none of their friends and family have seen them for ten months so have no idea that the child exists or that they were even pregnant in the first place. That is except for a few close friends who were told in advance and whose surprise reactions are then shown in a montage of emotional clips.

A second montage then follows showing the actual moment the rest of their family and friends meet Ivy much to their shock, including the moment one grandmother only realises that the girl is her granddaughter after she is told so by the child’s mother. The look of shock on her face is priceless as she proclaims loudly, “How can she be here?” and “How did you do this?”

A further clip shows one woman screaming hysterically after finding out the amazing news before shouting, “You hid a kid?” and another shows Ivy being introduced to another baby as his future girlfriend, much to the surprise of the child’s parents and probably the child himself if he wasn’t just a few month old.

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