‘Coolest Day Ever:' Deaf Baby Hears Mom and Dad for the First Time in Life

‘Coolest Day Ever:' Deaf Baby Hears Mom and Dad for the First Time in Life
Facebook | Taryn Ruiz

A world of silence is something hard for most of us to comprehend, and the delight of these parents and their deaf baby is palpable when you watch as he is fitted with a hearing device and hears his mom and dad for the first time.

Archer Ruiz was born with very limited hearing, and at 3 weeks of age, it was determined to be permanent.

Parents Taryn and Drew were understandably devastated, as it looked like Archer would miss out on so much in life that others take for granted. Listening to his parent’s voices, their laughter, vocal interactions with friends, and others was beyond earshot.

But two months down the track, modern medicine was able to step in and connect Archer to the world via sound with a special hearing aid.

With his grandparents on hand to film the precious moments, Taryn and Drew spoke to Archer, and it is hard not to feel emotional as you watch the interaction between the little fella and his mom and dad.

“Archer, Archer—hey buddy,” sings Taryn, with Drew chiming in with “Can you hear us, man?” as Archer at first looks shocked, then delighted, as his face breaks out into the cutest of grins, with murmurings of acknowledgement that he can indeed hear them.

“This is the coolest day ever,” enthuses Drew, reports GoodHousekeeping, as he joins in the singing with a nonsense rhyme.

Delighted grandparents can be heard in the background, and Archer is obviously charmed by all the attention and sweet kisses his mom is showering onto him.

You are sure to be charmed as well when you watch their interaction.

Watch the video below: