Conway Police Department and Residents Gift Boy New Bicycle After His Was Stolen

Conway Police Department and Residents Gift Boy New Bicycle After His Was Stolen
Courtesy of Conway Police Department

An officer from the Conway Police Department, Arkansas, who was handling the theft case of a bicycle stolen from a young boy decided to right the wrong in the best way possible.

Not settling for anything less, the big-hearted Detective Tim Gray showed up at Bryan Jeffrey’s home at his 7th-birthday party with a very special present: a brand-new bicycle, helmet, and bike lock. The birthday boy’s teary eyes went wide at the amazing gift.

“I wasn’t expecting this,” Bryan told local newspaper Log Cabin Democrat. “I was very surprised.”

Bryan’s mother, Carmen Jeffrey, said: “I am definitely in awe with law enforcement and the police department, especially detective Gray.”

Detective Tim Gray (L) and 7-year-old Bryan Jeffrey. (Courtesy of <a href="">Conway Police Department</a>)
Detective Tim Gray (L) and 7-year-old Bryan Jeffrey. Courtesy of Conway Police Department

Young Bryan was gifted the bike by his family as a Christmas present. However, on July 14, 2020, while he was shopping at Wal-Mart with his sister, his treasured bicycle was stolen outside the store, the local news outlet reported.

Bryan’s family reported the theft to the police. After the police released the footage of the theft, the suspect returned Bryan’s bike to the same spot outside the store. However, Gray and his team weren’t able to track down the suspect despite surveillance footage.

“When I initially received this case, I noticed that his birthday was on the 23rd,” the detective told the Log Cabin Democrat. “I thought, ‘That’s awful for a 6-year-old to lose his bicycle right before his birthday.’”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Conway Police Department</a>)

The officer and his team didn’t let the boy be crushed by the theft. After residents heard about the theft, many good Samaritans came forward to help the little boy.

Local citizen Carla Evans heard about Bryan’s story and then found and purchased a bike almost identical to the one that had been stolen.

“I thought back to my son at that age and it just broke my heart,” Evans told the outlet. “I just wanted to help him smile again.”

Other community members stepped up to help make Bryan’s Batman-themed birthday special, including the bike shop The Ride, which safety-tested the new bike for free. A drive-through parade was arranged that allowed friends of the family and police officers to wish Bryan a happy birthday from a safe distance.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Conway Police Department</a>)

Bryan’s mom praised all those in the Conway community who came together to make the birthday extra special.

Writing on the Conway PD’s Facebook post, the mother said: “Detective Gray, I really applaud every step you took and considered my son for a whole day. You played with him, laughed, cried (as you say the wind blew in your eyes), and ate with him.”

“I really thank you all, no words can explain the way you all made my son face light up,” she wrote.

In response, the police department let her know that their kind gesture wasn’t just a one-off.

“We were honored to meet him and be a part of his special day,” the department responded. “He always has a friend in CPD.”

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