Dance Enthusiast Deeply Moved by Chinese Dance Competition

At NTDTV’s Chinese dance competition, a dancer lover named Lily said “It touched something deep in my heart.”
Dance Enthusiast Deeply Moved by Chinese Dance Competition
Lily from New York says she was very moved by the dances. (Li Xin/Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="Lily from New York says she was very moved by the dances.  (Li Xin/Epoch Times)" title="Lily from New York says she was very moved by the dances.  (Li Xin/Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1833902"/></a>
Lily from New York says she was very moved by the dances.  (Li Xin/Epoch Times)

The semifinal for the Second Global Chinese Dance Competition, organized by New Tang Dynasty TV was held at the Town Hall Foundation in New York City on August 23, 2008.  Forty-one elite dancers performed dances of very different styles; representing the posture, movements, and essence of Chinese classic dance.  A dance enthusiast among the audience named Lily said she was “very moved” and that she was “deeply” touched by the dancers’ performance.

Lily, who is a medical doctor, has loved dancing since childhood and has studied ballet. Lily said she was amazed upon seeing so many excellent young dancers’ wonderful performances.

“These performers are truly remarkable.” Lily said, “I believe they have worked hard practicing their dances and put a lot of effort into training themselves. Without consistent effort, there is no way they could come to today’s level of accomplishment. The most precious thing is that they have been able to convey the inner meaning of the dances.”

“From these dances, I have seen the culture of our nation. If a nation loses its tradition, there is no hope for that nation.” Lily commented.

Lily said oriental culture is profound, is from the heart and soul, and is introverted. The contemporary culture, however, has no comparison with traditional culture. Some of us have to take the responsibility to promote traditional Chinese culture, she said.

The last performance, Zhao Liang’s Waving a Fan as if Brandishing a Sword, was Lily’s favorite.

“The performer manifested the character of a scholar and did a wonderful job combining the dance and scholarly culture. It was very impressive. The girls are gentle and have unique temperament.”

“The dance competition reminded me of the traditions of our nation.”

Lily had tears in her eyes as she said so, “In short, I was very moved. The realm these performers presented is what many of us are yearning for. It touched something deep in my heart.”

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