Engineer from China: Show is Righteous

The Divine Performing Arts International Company concluded it’s first show in Houston, Texas...
Engineer from China: Show is Righteous
Audience members enjoy the DPA performance in Houston's Jones Hall for the Performing Arts in Houston on Dec 22, 2008. ()
<a><img src="" alt="Audience members enjoy the DPA performance in Houston's Jones Hall for the Performing Arts in Houston on Dec 22, 2008.  ()" title="Audience members enjoy the DPA performance in Houston's Jones Hall for the Performing Arts in Houston on Dec 22, 2008.  ()" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1832128"/></a>
Audience members enjoy the DPA performance in Houston's Jones Hall for the Performing Arts in Houston on Dec 22, 2008.  ()

HOUSTON—The Divine Performing Arts International Company concluded it’s first show in Houston, Texas on December 22. Chinese people expressed pride and pleasure in the content of the show.

Ms. Li, visiting from China, saw the show with a friend. They arrived in the United States a month ago.

Ms. Li said the entire show is very successful, very professional. She liked the music and the dances very much, the costumes are also very pretty, very pleasant; and the costumes and the backdrops are very well harmonized in colors, especially the imposing manner of the backdrops is so huge, (it’s) very stunning.

Ms. Li said: “the most touching thing is the inner cultural content of the show, (it) displayed fairly deep Chinese traditional culture. This really made me proud of being a Chinese.”

She said people in mainland China can’t find such a beautiful artistic performance anymore, because all the performances there have to meet the needs of the market. There won’t be any true art if it’s too commercialized. She said: “(I am) very lucky today, that I can see such a beautiful show.”

Mr. Zhao is an engineer for a petroleum company in Texas. After the show on December 22, he said “the performances are quite good, they are pretty high spiritually, all are good.”

“The DPA show doesn’t have much noise, no impurity, (it’s) beauty is clean and clear, no bells and whistles.

Those from Mainland China don’t talk about spirituality, sometime they promote some techniques or bells and whistles.”

 “I felt that DPA show demonstrated original, authentic traditional culture, the true ancient culture, not those amalgamations, not mixed, in another words, I felt (the DPA show is) very righteous or orthodox, it fundamentally displayed the nature of pure benevolence and pure beauty. I think this should be highly appreciated.”

  Please see for more information.

Read the original article in Chinese

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