Fort Worth Police Department released bodycam footage of an officer rushing to save a life in the nick of time. The video shows the officer exiting her cruiser on a bridge and dashing to pull a woman back to safety just as she is about to jump. She is now being hailed a hero for her quick and timely action.
According to a media release from the Department, it was at around 10:10 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 27 when Officer Teresa Trevino responded to a call about someone in danger of committing suicide. The 911 call was made by a man who told the dispatcher his sister was feeling suicidal and that she was close to Lake Worth Bridge.

When Officer Trevino arrived at the scene, she saw a car that had just parked on the right-hand shoulder of the bridge. The bodycam footage shows the distressed woman straddling the ledge as Officer Trevino starts repeatedly yelling “stop” while rushing towards her.
With no hesitation, the officer grabs the woman and pulls her back from the ledge. Within seconds, the woman was brought down from the bridge barrier. Officer Trevino can be heard saying, “I need you to stop this,” before taking her calmly into custody.
In the release, the Fort Worth Police reminded people who are struggling with “emotional distress” to reach out for help, providing a suicide-prevention lifeline, which is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day and offers support to those in desperate need.
Sadly, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States according to The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). In the state of Texas alone, every two hours, someone will end their own life. On a national level, 90 percent of victims suffered from an underlying mental health condition.

Among factors that can lead to a person attempting to end their life, AFSP cites mental health illnesses such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and bipolar disorder. Stressful life events, such as divorce or unemployment, may also lead to suicidal ideation.
The heroic act of Officer Trevino didn’t go unnoticed on Twitter. The video of her life-saving action got 1,200 likes, at the time of writing, and was shared over 300 times, with many users commending her for rescuing the distressed woman.

One comment read, “Great work Officer Trevino! You shall be rewarded for your compassionate act in this life and forever.”
While another remarked, “Officer Trevino needs to be given a medal of valor. The lady on the bridge could have easily pulled her into the lake also but Officer Trevino at great risk to her own safety stayed the course and pulled the lady off the ledge.”
“Officer Teresa Trevino, thank you for not only protecting us on a daily basis but also for those in need during times of despair. Depression is a terrible disease and sometimes people need someone to pull them off the ledge. Prayers for the young lady that she will find peace.”