Blind Old Dog Found in Appalling Condition in Junkyard is Given New Lease on Life

Blind Old Dog Found in Appalling Condition in Junkyard is Given New Lease on Life
Duncan the blind Pitbull getting rescued from a junkyard by members of LA-based Hope For Paws. (YouTube Screenshot | Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel)

Who knows the story behind this appalling dog’s condition; he was suffering and lonely, and if that wasn’t bad enough, he was also blind.

When this old pit bull wandered into a junkyard in Los Angeles in October 2017, one of the workers could see he was in dire straits.

After taking care of his immediate needs, she put in a call to animal rescue organization Hope For Paws to come and rescue him.

©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel</a>
©YouTube Screenshot | Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel

Two volunteers arrived, and after assessing Duncan, as he was renamed, they got him to the vet for immediate medical treatment.

“Duncan was completely blind and suffering from dehydration, periodontal disease, corneal ulcers, two mass cell tumors, and a skin infection,” they said on their YouTube video.

It was impossible to see his color, as he was so covered in dirt and struggling to walk because of his overgrown toenails.

After a good bath, he revealed a lovely-colored coat underneath all the dust and dirt, and he began to feel secure and loved in his new foster home with Frosted Faces Foundation co-founders Andy and Kelly Smíšek.

Duncan has been diagnosed with kidney failure and might not have too much longer to live, but this couple have kind hearts and are determined to make his remaining time the best it can be.

“We love Duncan with our whole hearts. He sleeps with us at night in bed on a pee pad, we take him on family outings to the beach, bonfires, patio dinners, and movies in the park," said Kelly, according to the Western Journal.

“Duncan is the best snuggler and always grateful to be held despite his size.”

“We are making every day count and we are devoted to Duncan’s happiness.”

Duncan is sure to appreciate what they are doing for him.

Take a look at him in the video; you will hardly recognize him:

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