Beijing’s Gastronomy

Meals in Beijing need to be solid, and rich in fat and nutrients, to help keep the body warm during the long and cold northern winters.
Beijing’s Gastronomy
Chinese vendors prepare steaming pork buns on sale at a sidewalk stall in Beijing, file photo. Wheat more so than rice is the staple starch in Beijing and the North because of the colder climate. So popular dishes in the region are made from wheat flour such as pasta, pancakes, and steamed buns.  (Teh Eng Koon/AFP/Getty Images)
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1769672" src="" alt="Steamed pork buns Beijing" width="590" height="389"/></a>
Steamed pork buns Beijing

Located in northern China, Beijing is one of the largest cities in the country. In terms of population, it is second only to the city of Shanghai. In addition to being the largest, is the hub of all the communications, railroads, highways, and routes. It’s also known as the cultural, political, and social heart of China.

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