Beat the Timer and Test Your Vision: How Fast Can You Solve These Five Puzzles?

Beat the Timer and Test Your Vision: How Fast Can You Solve These Five Puzzles?
The Epoch Times
With screen time skyrocketing as people have been quarantined for months on end, there are many ways one can spend their time online, wisely. Scientific studies say that brain games and puzzles can benefit one’s cognitive health to a certain extent.
That said, today we’ve got a puzzle series for you that will test your ability to recognize patterns, the attention span, and yes, eyesight! It’s good for your brain and good for your eyes, all without leaving the comfort of home. So are you ready? Let’s see how fast you can solve these puzzles.

Puzzle 1:

Your challenge is the find the odd letter in a series of Qs. Whenever you’ve got a timer ready for the first challenge, get started!
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times

How did do you do the first time around? As you probably noticed, there seems to be an unending line of uppercase Qs profiling in front of you. But there’s one intruder in the set that’s lowercase. Did you spot it?

Yes, it is sitting right there, bottom row, second from the right.

Puzzle 2

Now that you’ve had an easy one as a warm-up, let’s move on to something more challenging. For the second quiz, you'll need to set the timer for yourself. You have just 30 seconds to spot the Q that doesn’t look quite like all the rest. And you have the added challenge of more letters. Ready to go?
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times

Did you manage to find the odd one out? In this case, it’s not as obvious as the first example. All the Qs are uppercase and look identical, except for one that is missing its tail.

It’s hiding in plain sight on the third row down, second from the left. If the half-minute went by without you finding anything, don’t worry. You’ve still got more chances.

Puzzle 3

Now for the third quiz, you’ve got more letters to deal with. The good thing is that you know what to look for: a Q that is somehow again missing its tail! Let’s hope the third round is a charm. Set your timer to 20 seconds and get to it!
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times
Okay, time’s up! How did you do this time? Just like a good old-fashioned eye chart at the optometrist’s office, the letters are getting smaller and smaller. However, lucky for you, the Q with the missing leg just happened to be directly above where it was in the last puzzle.

Puzzle 4

Of course, the next one is going to get harder, but you probably knew that already. Now, the number of Qs you have to look through has increased dramatically. To succeed, you'll need to be able to spot the Q with its tiny missing tail in a much bigger sea of letters. Set your timer at 15 seconds.
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times
How did you do this time?  This one was a bit more difficult, as the Q in question was hidden much closer to the middle. Now, for the final puzzle, you'll need to add two extra challenges.

Puzzle 5

For the last puzzle, you have two more rows to sort through and only 15 seconds to do it. Are you up to the challenge?
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times

This was one tough, right? Chances are you were probably racing to find the missing leg before the timer went off!

If you enjoyed these puzzles for your eyes and your brains, share with your friends and family and see who is the fastest at spotting all differences! In case you forgot where the odd ones out were hiding, scroll down for solutions to all the quizzes.

Puzzle Solutions
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times
(The Epoch Times)
The Epoch Times

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