Go online and search for beauty schools in your area. is one option that lists barber and cosmetology schools by state or “near me” for the entire country. If you are lucky enough to have one located nearby, you and your family can save as much as 50 percent to 75 percent off the cost of a haircut and other salon services. Just keep in mind that this is a learning institution, so don’t be in a hurry.Braver
Keep your hairstyle simple. Whether your hair is long or short, make it manageable and low maintenance. This goes for all family members.Cut back on the number of trips you make to the barber or hair salon. Many hairdressers will have you believe that you need a cut every six weeks, but this may be more to keep them in a job than anything else.
A good haircut can last as long as three months. The more you get chopped off, the longer it'll take for you to feel like you need another trim. So be brave and get more off the length to make it last.
If you’re happy with the rest of your cut, it’s worth asking hairdressers about any discounts they offer for a simple bang trim. You never know; some salons even offer complimentary bang trims between haircuts.
Another option is to invest in a good pair of haircutting scissors. Trim your bangs yourself and give family trims, too. YouTube is loaded with step-by-step tutorials for how to trim your own bangs and others’, too.
Buy hair clippers. For approximately $25 or less at a store such as Walmart or Amazon, you can eliminate your family’s trips to the hair salon altogether. You will save hundreds of dollars a year, plus time and gas money.Choose basic hairstyles that are easy to maintain. All clippers come with an instructional video, DVD and/or manual. And don’t forget YouTube. You'll find tons of videos for how to give a professional-looking haircut. Follow directions carefully, and remember that practice makes perfect.