Avocado Madness Crowns Winner

Avocado Madness Crowns Winner

If fruits had personalities, avocados would epitomize the standard for relaxation. (Cue in summertime visions of guacamole and margaritas here.)

It may be unseemly that a fierce competition centered on avocados even exists, but there it is: Avocado Madness.

Last week, a March Madness-style avocado-themed competition, run by Chef’s Roll, culminated in a winner, left standing from a lineup of 64 chefs across the United States.

Emerging victorious after six rounds of competition, chef Ricardo Heredia from San Diego claimed $10,000 in cash, a bottle of Angels Envy bourbon to celebrate, as well as a ticket to compete in the World Food Championships in Kissimmee, Florida.

“Avocado Madness was just that—madness,” Heredia said. “This competition really tested my creativity and technical knowledge of one of the most unforgiving fruits to cook with, not to mention this event was the day after Easter!”

Heredia has been cooking professionally for 15 years and is now executive chef and owner of Kitchen Mañoso, a consulting and education company dedicated to giving back to the community.

The Final Round

Heredia went head-to-head live with chef Dorian Southall (Crescent Hotel & Resorts) to create an avocado-inspired menu. 

Here’s Heredia’s winning menu:

1st course: Baja Hiramasa Fish Taco (avocado tortilla, chia seed aguachile, avocado-bacon fat mayo, fried squash blossom)

2nd course: Pork Loin With Avocado Mole Verde (Flor de junio bean purée, epazote, jamaica, pickled onion, avocado oil)

3rd course: Avocado Churro (chocolate-avocado custard, avocado caramel, almond milk marshmallow, crystallized honey)

The contest was sponsored by Avocados From Mexico. 

“We saw some very exciting and inspiring menu ideas from these talented chefs. Every entry, recipe, and image was a testament of their creativity and imagination and a perfect example of the versatility and year-round star power of Avocados From Mexico,” said Mark Garcia, director of food service for Avocados From Mexico.