Australian Woman’s Photoshoot of Her Quintuplets Breaks the Internet

Australian Woman’s Photoshoot of Her Quintuplets Breaks the Internet
Kim Tucci named her quintuplets Keith, Ali, Penelope, Tiffany and Beatrix (Erin Elizabeth Photography).

An Australian mother who gave birth to quintuplets in January has released a photo shoot of her new arrivals—and the internet is all in a frenzy.   

Kim Tucci, 26, of Perth gave birth to four healthy daughters and one son; they were conceived naturally and born at King Edward Memorial Hospital.

The mom had a planned cesarean and was assisted by a team of 50 doctors and nurses, according to BBC

According to statistics, the chance of conceiving quintuplets naturally is about one in 55 million.

“50 fingers 50 toes, 6 hearts beating at once. My body fought the toughest of battles to get five babies here safely,” Tucci, 26, wrote on her Facebook account.

“Everything I did I did for them.”

GoFundMe page was set up for the mom to get a brand new family car. In addition to the quintuplets, Tucci has three other children, all under 9. 

According to Erin Hoskins, the photographer who organized the quintuplets’ photo shoot, “at the moment they have to travel places in three separate cars,” she said.

So far, the page has raised $38,253 of $40k; Tucci and her husband, Vaughn, will soon reach their goal.

In the meantime, take a look at the photo shoots that have left many people in awe. 

Kim Tucci (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
Kim Tucci (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
Kim Tucci (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
Kim Tucci (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
Kim Tucci (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
Kim Tucci (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
Kim Tucci (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
Kim Tucci (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
The quintuplets (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
The quintuplets (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
Kim Tucci and the quintuplets (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
Kim Tucci and the quintuplets (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
The quintuplets (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
The quintuplets (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
The quintuplets (Erin Elizabeth Photography)
The quintuplets (Erin Elizabeth Photography)

Hoskins told Epoch Times that although the shoot came out exactly as she imagined it, it was also quite challenging.  

“I'd never had a session with more than two babies at once, so this was certainly a big leap!  I lucked out and the babies were positively delightful, and the session went very smoothly,” she said.

Hoskins was assisted by two photographers as well as helpers standing nearby to assist with feeding and holding the babies when needed, she said. 

“All in all, it was really fun!” she told Epoch Times, and rewarding. 

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