Audience Describes Young Dancers as ‘Outstanding’

The performance of the Divine Performing Arts at the Manhattan Center during the evening of August 24 was met with very strong reception. After interviewing many audience members, the consensus was certainly that although the shows performers are quite young, they are exceptionally talented and the performance given was outstanding.
Audience Describes Young Dancers as ‘Outstanding’
NEW YORK—The performance of the Divine Performing Arts at the Manhattan Center during the evening of August 24 was met with  very strong reception. After interviewing many audience members, the consensus was certainly that although the shows performers are quite young, they are exceptionally talented and the performance  given was outstanding.

Outstanding enough that it has inspired several audience members to watch and take in the performance more than once, noting that each show always has something unique to enjoy.

One such person is Mr. Zeng Dajun, who is formerly a professional dancer. He was an exchange student at a university in California 18 years ago and has seen the show four times. His feels that that the show’s greatest contribution is that it truly represents and portrays the spirit of the Chinese people.

Zeng remarked that he was most impressed with the shows lead dancer, “In the past the main dancer was Ren Fengwu. However, dancing is not the same as playing a musical instrument, which you can do all your life. When you are over thirty, dancing becomes very difficult.”

Zeng continued to say that he was concerned that younger dancers  possibly could not fill Ren’s shoes in so far as expertise but found that the young dancers in the show were truly outstanding.

He also remarked that he had tears in his eyes when he heard the hosts say that Chinese classical dance is the most systematic in the world. Zeng lamented over the fact that during the last 70 years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has completely destroyed traditional Chinese culture.

As an example, to welcome foreign visitors, a CCP official in Nanking arranged a group of Chinese dancers to perform a kind of modern dance routine. Zeng said emotionally, “Chinese dance has a rich and diverse background. Tonight I saw Mongolian dance, Tibetan dance, dancing with fans, water-sleeve dances, etc. Any of the dances mentioned here would be something to be proud of and would be [something to] show to foreigners. However, Chinese communist officials were not able to bring out any [dances] that are representative of Chinese culture.”

Mr. Bian Hexiang is a businessman who has been a U.S. resident for more than ten years and he said this is the first time he has seen Chinese dance on such a grand scale. He also said he was pleasantly surprised that the Divine Performing Arts were of such high caliber and that the actors were so young.

Bian also felt that everything in the show, the theme, backdrops, music and dance movements demonstrate the essence of traditional Chinese culture.

Also among the audience was Mr. Yang, who works in the real estate industry. Yang brought his wife to the performance and also watched the award ceremony for the second “International Chinese Dance Competition” held by New Tang Dynasty Television.

Mrs. Yang said she felt the classical Chinese dances performed were truly splendid because they were inherited from thousands of years of Chinese culture. Meanwhile, Mr. Yang felt the show was very successful, noting that he feels the young dancers were truly outstanding and the drummers brought both style and excitement.

Mr. Yang said that he related to the performance Awakening, “Communism has brought a lot of suffering to human society, while Falun Gong is promoting ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.’ which is what’s needed in this society. America is a democratic country that emphasizes freedom. Hopefully, the Chinese people can also enjoy freedom in not too distant a future.”
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