Ask Angi: What Are Some Good Projects to Do in the Fall?

Take advantage of the cool, crisp air and do some outdoor house work.
Ask Angi: What Are Some Good Projects to Do in the Fall?
The cool fall weather can be an advantage for many outdoor projects. For example, fall is the ideal time to paint your home's exterior due to the cool, dry air. If your home needs a refresh, consider painting your siding, gutters, or front door for a new look this fall. Radoslav Cajkovic/Dreamstime/TNS
Tribune News Service
By Angie Hicks From Ask Angi

From painting to gutter cleaning, there’s no shortage of outdoor projects this fall. Take advantage of the cool weather to complete some of these outdoor repairs or projects.

Here are some of my favorite fall projects.

If you want to think big, fall is a great time to do some of your larger outdoor landscaping projects. If you’re thinking about a new patio or deck, now is the time to think about it because you’re not using your BBQ for the rest of the season. Using the fall period to build outdoor entertaining spaces gets you ready to entertain as soon as spring rolls around. If you already have a deck or patio, consider refinishing or resealing it now if the need is coming soon.

The cool fall weather can be an advantage for many outdoor projects. For example, fall is the ideal time to paint your home’s exterior due to the cool, dry air. If your home needs a refresh, consider painting your siding, gutters or front door for a new look this fall. If you have wooden siding, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned and refinished every few years, and fall is an ideal season to do it.

And while spring may still be six months away, you can set yourself up for a healthy lawn next year by properly caring for your plants, trees, and grass. Fertilizing in the fall is super important. It’s also a great time to plant shrubs and trees. It’s also an excellent time to clean up your flowerbeds and prepare them for spring.

Look at your trees for signs of ill health, such as cracked or rotting branches, large amounts of bark shedding or significant amounts of fungus around the base. Those can be signs of a dying tree, and ice and snow increase the likelihood of branches falling or the tree toppling. Ask a qualified tree professional to take a look and advise you on your options.

If you’re going to take on just one exterior project this year, have your gutters cleaned. And I would encourage you to hire a professional if you don’t have the proper equipment, including the right ladder. Cleaning your gutters keeps your roof and gutters in good order and also keeps water from pooling in your basement. They also help prevent water from backing up and refreezing on your roof in winter, which causes ice dams.

If you need to replace your gutters, fall is also an excellent time to do so.

It’s always a good idea to check any pro’s insurance, but it’s especially important when they’re engaged in hazardous labor involving ladders or rooftops. A reputable contractor will never object to showing proof of insurance coverage; it’s a sign of both a homeowner and a contractor who take the job seriously.

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