The Arrival of Autumn in Ireland

Autumn is here, so it is time to reflect on the passing of the seasons.
The Arrival of Autumn in Ireland
Autumn Scene on Griffith Avenue, Dublin, Ireland. (Martin Murphy/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="Autumn Scene on Griffith Avenue, Dublin, Ireland. (Martin Murphy/The Epoch Times)" title="Autumn Scene on Griffith Avenue, Dublin, Ireland. (Martin Murphy/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1825739"/></a>
Autumn Scene on Griffith Avenue, Dublin, Ireland. (Martin Murphy/The Epoch Times)

Autumn is here, so it is time to reflect on the passing of the seasons. We have been through the spring, the season of rebirth and awakening of another year’s growth. We have been through the summer, the season of cultivating and nurturing the earth’s bounties to life. The bird life has followed its process of producing and nurturing its young. Again, this year’s chorus of birdsong was harmonious and such that suggested songbirds have increased in number, implying that their habitat has again improved and our ecology is receiving correct care and attention. This is something which we all welcome. After a tenuous period of unsuitable weather in early summer, farmers had a difficult time saving their corn crops. However, as farmers are farmers they take up the challenge, they work night and day if necessary to protect their crops and provide next year’s food for the benefit of mankind.

Following the ups and downs of the many trials which we all encounter throughout the passing of the seasons, whether it is unsuitable weather conditions, unsuitable ground conditions for horse racing, our team’s football or other games we always have the autumn to look forward to.

As the days shorten and grow colder people have more time to reflect on the output of their individual harvest of work, or dedication to their application to arts, crafts or ways of providing for life. Autumn is always welcomed as the season to relax and reflect on the passing of the year so far.

It is at this time that the earth activity slows down. The trees lose their leaves. The birds find a way of coping with oncoming coldness. We too relax. Children look forward to term breaks from school just as we all enjoy autumn breaks. Halloween is only around the corner; this is celebrated by all age groups, the children’s games are played out with glee and friendliness. The grown ups enjoy this special time of the year. We are all at one with each other. Mother earth is nurturing next year’s growth. The quiet and cosiness of winter is close at hand, may all life enjoy its quietness, its shortened days and its lengthened nights leading to the joys of Christmas.