If You Are Millennial, These Smells Will Bring You Right Back to Your Childhood

If You Are Millennial, These Smells Will Bring You Right Back to Your Childhood
Which one was your favorite?
Ingrid Longauerová

Do you remember the scent of your childhood? Is it chlorine during a hot summer day at pool? Or a warm cinnamon smell of an apple pie?

As scientists have said, a scent can bring back the strongest memories from our past---moments that we might forget or those we don’t even remember happened. Associating smell with a certain memory is powerful thanks to an emotion the smell is connected to. It’s called emotional memory, which we don’t use very often.

Even if you have the memory capacity of a goldfish, by smelling things, you can remember the emotions associated with them. If you’re millennial, it’s time for some ‘nosetalgia’.

1.Xeroxed, Freshly Printed Papers 

Jodi Green, CC BY-NC-ND
Jodi Green, CC BY-NC-ND

Remember that satisfying feeling of a fresh new textbook? Or newly printed Xerox copies? With the fresh new school year ahead? By going digital, this is one of the great smells we’re losing.


2. Chalkboard

Masaru Goto/World Bank, CC BY-NC-ND
Masaru Goto/World Bank, CC BY-NC-ND

I can’t even imagine that we were once using chalks during classes. 


3. Burning Leaves


Although once the smell of autumn, it is almost extinct because burning your leaves is not allowed in most American cities.

4. Play-doh

pfilias, CC BY-NC-SA
pfilias, CC BY-NC-SA

Remember this? The smell of the childhood.


5. Lego or Barbie

Juan Luis, CC BY-SA
Juan Luis, CC BY-SA

The smell of a plastic of your newest holiday gift.


6. Blow Markers (pens)

Everybody NEEDED to have one. We thought they would replace the crayons and become the future of drawing. Luckily it never happened. 


7. Smell of a Hot Videogame Cartridge

Ruido, CC BY-NC-ND
Ruido, CC BY-NC-ND

Remember playing video games the whole day long? And other than painful fingers, the smell that you'd get?


8. New Cassette or CD

Arild Andersen, CC NY-ND
Arild Andersen, CC NY-ND

As a millennial, you remember both of these technological advances that your kids won’t be able to recognize. And their smells, too (at least of the wrappings).


9. Polaroid Film


As a clumsy kid, you were not allowed to put the new film into the camera, so this wasn’t very common smell. But it still can be  appreciated as it was always connected with family holidays and birthday celebrations.


10. That Outdoorsy Smell on Your Clothes After Playing Outside the Whole Day 

More of this one, please! 


Let us know it comments what reminds you of your childhood the most.

Ingrid Longauerová is a long time employee at the Epoch Media Group. She started working with The Epoch Times as a freelance journalist in 2007 before coming to New York and work in the Web Production department. She is currently a senior graphic designer for the Elite Magazine, a premier luxury lifestyle magazine for affluent Chinese in America produced by the EMG.
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