Are Oreo Churros the Next Food Craze (Video)

What could be the next food craze that could make you stop eating cupcakes, doughnuts, froyos, and all the other sweet decadence.
Epoch Video

What could be the next food craze that could make you stop eating cupcakes, doughnuts, froyos, and all the other sweet decadence. 

This tasty treat: Oreo churrros, is a mash up of America’s favorite cookie, and fried dough. You all must have tried the cinnamon sugar churro at least once at Costco, Spanish eateries or your favorite themed parks. Well soon you will be to try the Oreo churros everywhere. 

It is said to have a crispy exterior, warm soft interior, and real Oreo cookies in every bite. People have been excited about it, and been chatting all about it on social media. Sounds like this cookie monster company is on the right track. 

While no release date has been set for the Oreo churros launch, but how soon after will be seeing pumpkin spice churros.