Another Choice to Consider When Installing Multiple Water Filters

Another Choice to Consider When Installing Multiple Water Filters
Special shower stall water filters come in many styles and price ranges to fit most shower fixture setups, including hand showers. Kohler/TNS
Tribune News Service
By Ed Del Grande From Tribune News Service

Q: Ed: For cooking and drinking water we have a water filter at our kitchen faucet and a second filter on our refrigerator ice maker line. I would like to add a third filter for showering, Do they make water filters for showerheads? — Tony, Massachusetts

A: First, I'd like to mention that filtering water to several home plumbing fixtures could also be accomplished with a whole-house water filter. A professionally installed whole-house water filter can be piped in on the house side of a plumbing system and installed according to local codes.

Since these water filters are usually located on a central cold water line inside your home, multiple fixtures may benefit from this one larger water filter setup. In many cases this could be a more convenient solution over having a few separate point-of-use water filters located throughout a home.

But if you feel that for some reason a whole-house water filter may not be your best option, I do have good news.

Getting back to your original question, dedicated showerhead water filters are available. These special shower stall water filters come in many styles and price ranges to fit most shower fixture setups, including hand showers.

Bottom line: If you’re looking to filter the water that cleans you up in the shower, explore all your home water filter options first before making a clear choice.

Master Contractor/Plumber Ed Del Grande is known internationally as the author of the book “Ed Del Grande’s House Call,” the host of TV and Internet shows, and a LEED green associate. Visit or write [email protected]. Always consult local contractors and codes.
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