After Parents Learn They’re Adopting Triplets, They Get Some Big News From the Doctor

After Parents Learn They’re Adopting Triplets, They Get Some Big News From the Doctor
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For couples who have difficulty having children, life can be very tough. In addition to feeling down about not being able to conceive naturally, they face huge costs and an uncertain outcome if they opt for fertility treatments like IVF. Sarah and Andy Justice, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, were one such couple who desperately wanted the joy of children in their life but thought they might never experience it.

The Justices had been told by specialists that IVF was their only option, but it could cost well over $50,000 and wasn’t guaranteed to work. They decided to try for adoption, which turned out to be a long and difficult process.

Finally in 2014, they were matched with a birth mother who had not just one but three babies! The triplets, Joel, Hannah, and Elizabeth, were born very premature, about two months before their due date, and began their lives in the neonatal intensive care unit, but the Justices couldn’t have been happier to have them.

When the couple was told that they had to adopt all three together, not just one, they accepted the condition straight away.“ We really felt this was something God wanted us to do,” Sarah told the Tulsa World.

There was just one catch. When Sarah went to a doctor’s appointment just after the triplets’ arrival, the doctor had some stunning news for her. Against all the odds and without any fertility treatment, she had become pregnant. Not only that, but when she got her first sonogram, it was clear that there were two babies on the way!

What went through the couple’s mind when they realized that they were going from zero to five children in just one year? Husband Andy told the Tulsa World, “we were very happy. Did we panic a little? Of course. But we were very happy.”

Eight months later, twins Abigail and Andrew were born, leading to a very, very full house. Thankfully, Andy and Sarah didn’t have to take care of them alone, as their friends and family who helped take care of the kids and their church helped out with meals and diapers.

Their story spread far and wide, and they were even featured on the TODAY show in 2014, where they gave an insight into their crazy everyday lives, including multiple feedings and non-stop diaper changes. Using a staggering 300 diapers a week, dad Andy said: “as soon as you get one diaper changed, it’s time to start all over again.”

As Sarah told the hosts, “my husband says all we do is babies, everything else in life has pretty much stopped.” Despite all the work, the couple wouldn’t trade their kids for anything in the world. “We just love having these children,” she said.

These days the Justice kids are growing fast, as triplets Joel, Hannah, and Elizabeth recently celebrated their sixth birthday. Just in case things weren’t crazy enough, the Justice family loved life with their kids so much, they decided to have one more. Caleb is just a couple of years behind his big brothers and sisters but is just as loved.
As Facebook friend Sherry Harrison told their couple on their post, when it all started in 2013, “little did you know this was just the beginning.”

Sarah and Andy remain just as grateful and positive as ever, inspiring thousands of people who have read their story and admire their devotion to their children. As they wrote in their triplets’ birthday post: “you have brought so much joy to our home. We love you and can’t wait to see all God has for your lives!”