Adopted 4-Year-Old Mysteriously Knew He'd Get a Sister Before His Parents Had Any Idea

Adopted 4-Year-Old Mysteriously Knew He'd Get a Sister Before His Parents Had Any Idea
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

A little boy in Tennessee had good news to share with the world after he was adopted by loving parents—he was going to be a big brother soon after predicting his new mom’s pregnancy.

Jeremiah Dickerson, of Memphis, is one happy little boy despite what he had been through since birth. He was born premature and had several medical issues, including needing a tracheotomy.

The 4-year-old needed a new home, and his bright smile soon caught the eye of a pediatric nurse, Jordan Dickerson, at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. Jordan and her husband, Cole, wanted to take Jeremiah home.

“We fell in love with his smile and his joy,” Jordan told Good Morning America. “We just knew he was going to fit in our family. There was no denying it.”

“I knew there was something different about him,” Jordan added. “I couldn’t get him out of my head. I called my husband and said, ‘Pray that we can bring Jeremiah home.’”

The road to bringing Jeremiah home wasn’t an easy one as the boy was initially taken to a foster family, much to the dismay of Jordan.

“I knew that he was supposed to be our son, so I was confused and upset,” Jordan said.

However, she soon learned that Jeremiah had been returned to the hospital, and after much necessary paperwork and checks, the couple was finally able to have Jeremiah in June.

After bringing Jeremiah home, the small family had more good news.

On July 16, 2018, the couple officially adopted Jeremiah, and they took a sweet family photo outside the courthouse to make an announcement to the world.

Jeremiah was holding a sign that read: “Today I became a Dickerson. Up next ... big brother.”

The Dickersons are expecting a new family member, and Jeremiah knew it before his new parents did.

“Jeremiah one night was praying and was like, ‘Thank you, God, for my mommy and my daddy. Thank you for my baby sister in a couple of weeks,’” Cole told PEOPLE. “We were like, ‘What did he just say?’ Three or four weeks later, Jordan surprised me one night and said, ‘I just took a pregnancy test and it’s positive.’”

“In the end, Jeremiah has blessed our family more than we could ever imagined,” Jordan said.

As to why Jeremiah knew it was going to be a girl ... who knows—maybe the Dickersons may have a little prophet in their midst!

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