Activities to Look Forward to, Year-Round

Activities to Look Forward to, Year-Round
Planning birthday parties ahead of time can draw out the fun and anticipation of that special moment. (Ground Picture/Shutterstock)
Barbara Danza

One way to make life a lot more delightful is to ensure you’ve always got something to look forward to. When work gets busy or troubles abound, having something on the horizon to look forward to can be just the thing to pull you through with a smile.

The start of a new year is the perfect time to plant seeds of fun on the calendar and reap the joy all year long. Here are a few simple ways to do just that.


What will you be celebrating in the coming year? Is there a special birthday, anniversary, or graduation that calls for a big to-do? Will you be throwing parties for your children’s birthdays? Is anyone getting married in your family? Start pinning down the timing of such celebrations and enjoy preparing and looking forward to special moments now.


Make the most of your favorite holidays by committing to fun festivities. A romantic dinner with your spouse for Valentine’s Day, a get-together with loved ones for Thanksgiving, or a special event to ring in the new year.

Time Off

Peruse your upcoming work and school schedules and take note of the times you’ll be off throughout. Those are great opportunities to hit the road or embark on a project or activity at home.

Local Fun

What local traditions do you enjoy partaking in each year? Be sure to mark your calendar with the seasonal fun and show up for it all this coming year.


Are you a fan of the theater, ballet, concerts, the opera, or comedy? Check venues and see what’s coming up. It’s always fun to look forward to a special night of entertainment.


Is there a restaurant you’ve been longing to try? Make reservations well in advance to give you and your companions something to look forward to.

Weekend Getaways

Sometimes, a simple weekend getaway can be just the rejuvenating boost a season needs. Plan a camping trip, visit friends or relatives, or enjoy a nearby destination for a simple weekend.


What’s more exciting than looking forward to a new adventure? Nail down your travel itinerary well in advance to maximize the time you get to look forward to the adventures ahead.

Regular Activities

Not all things you look forward to need to be costly or one-offs. Plan regular nights of fun such as family game night or movie night. Enjoy themed snacks and time at home together.

Tasty Treats

Special tasty treats shared with loved ones can be a delight to look forward to. Taco Tuesday, homemade baked bread, pasta night, and holiday cookies made together and shared can all be events in and of themselves.
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is
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