Accomplishing the Tall Task of Telling the History of the World

Conrad Black’s tome ‘The Political and Strategic History of the World’ is thorough in detail, engagingly written, and considering the historical arc, brief.
Accomplishing the Tall Task of Telling the History of the World
The first volume of Conrad Black's "The Political and Strategic History of the World" covers ancient history from a military and political point of view.
Dustin Bass

Political commentator, media mogul, and historian Conrad Black is neck-deep in an extensive and exhaustive project: telling the history of the world. He tells the story of history through a political and military strategic lens. In his recent first volume of this massive undertaking, titled “The Political and Strategic History of the World,” Black reached all the way back to antiquity, from the earliest pharaohs and the emergence of Moses to A.D. 14 with the reign and death of Caesar Augustus.

A task is indeed set before the reader with the book having more than 1,000 pages, and considering the book’s rather fine print, in comparison to any typical book, several hundred more pages might be added on. But that task is daunting only if one plans to read the book cover to cover. Of course, one could, but for this type of work, it isn’t necessary.

That is just one of the beauties of Black’s ongoing project. (I believe there are two more volumes scheduled.) Whether one wishes to learn about the early dynasties of Egypt or China, the Assyrian Empire and the thorn in its side called Babylon, or perhaps about the wars between the Greek states, the era of Alexander the Great, the Punic Wars, or the incomparable Roman Empire, Black has provided enough in-depth information to thoroughly inform the reader. This work is the median between the voluminous Cambridge set and, say, “The Penguin History of the World.”

Fluid Writing, Modern Comparisons

Conrad Black, in 2013. (<a href="">Canadian Film Centre</a>/<a href="">CC BY-SA 2.0</a>)
Conrad Black, in 2013. Canadian Film Centre/CC BY-SA 2.0

At every turn, Black proves an intriguing historian and writer, pulling out the interesting, such as military tactics and assassinations, and the important, like how rulers ruled or what the economic structures of tribes, nations, and empires were. At times, the author compares the ancient politics, economics, militaries, and leaders to those of the modern era, such as the Napoleonic Era, the U.S. Civil War, or the two world wars of the 20th century. It enables the reader to better relate to the ancients.

It can often be drudgery to get through historical tomes, as authors prepare their work as resource material for researchers and historians rather than enjoyable, yet educational, material for average readers. Luckily, “The Political and Strategic History of the World” is focused on the latter. Concerning the aforementioned “median” reference, it should be noted that the writing is so fluid and engaging, that Black even inserts subtle humor.

Although Black discusses the major players in history (those people and places that have not been lost to history), he brings to light those people and places that have been lost to history: short-lived city-states, brief rulers of nations, and long-term rulers of tribes. We witness their grit and determination in the face of the inevitable and overwhelming charge of mighty rulers and empires.

Reading the brief stories, I was constantly reminded of a line from one of my favorite movies, where two generals discuss their weaker adversary. One general states that a people should know when they’re conquered, leading the other general to ask rhetorically, “Would you? Would I?” Perhaps these tribes and tongues that were swallowed up by the mighty knew their demise was certain. Or perhaps, as history consistently proves and Black iterates, it’s the tribes and tongues of minor repute that might expand to regional dominance and at times become empires. All the same, Black demonstrates, through his many historical narratives, the rise or destruction of peoples.

Two Issues

One of my favorite historians, Andrew Roberts, considers Black a modern-day Sir Edward Gibbon. Of course, it may be best to reserve such an accolade for the next century, but there is no question that it requires a brilliant mind to undertake and succeed with such a project.

Two items, however, that I wish were better in the book: the maps, both the geographic and the military strategic, and the images of individuals. The images often seemed haphazardly orchestrated and placed. For such an inspiring work, they leaves much to be desired. If Black, the editor, illustrator, or the publisher (I don’t know who is in charge of this undertaking for the book) is not willing to do this professionally—and in a way that complements the writing—then it might be best to leave out the images altogether.

Despite those complaints—and in a work that surpasses the 1,000-page mark, the issue is almost negligible (almost).—I highly recommend Black’s “The Political and Strategic History of the World, Vol. I: From Antiquity to the Caesars, 14 A.D.” For lovers of history, or for anyone hoping to garner a proper and informed view of the world, this book is a can’t-miss. I do look forward to the next volume(s).

The Political and Strategic History of the World, Vol. I: From Antiquity to the Caesars, 14 A.D.  By Conrad Black World Encounter Institute/New English Review Press, Dec. 5, 2023 Hardcover: 1,1522 pages
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Dustin Bass
Dustin Bass
Dustin Bass is the creator and host of the American Tales podcast, and co-founder of The Sons of History. He writes two weekly series for The Epoch Times: Profiles in History and This Week in History. He is also an author.