Here’s what she wrote:
If you’re watching some girl you like getting hurt by another guy STOP WHINING ABOUT IT AND DO SOMETHING. Don’t leave some anonymous note on a dorm wall. If you know someone is being hurt DO. SOME. THING.
If you want to play the “good guy” you need to rethink your intentions. If you’re only doing it for gratification, then you aren’t being the good guy. Did Batman give up on Gotham because people weren’t thanking him for saving the city?
You know what I really want? I want respect.
I want people to respect that I'd rather not walk with a stranger in the middle of the night. I want people to respect that I can defend myself. I want people to respect that WOMEN CAN DO THINGS WITHOUT A GENTLEMAN TO HELP.
You want to be a gentleman and a good guy? Start with changing the way you and other men see women. We aren’t fragile things you need to defend. We’re people. Keep holding doors open, keep being friendly, just don’t expect things in return. You aren’t owed anything by this world.
If you want to be less afraid of the world, then change the world, don’t change us.
Many praised Megan for her note.
She told BuzzFeed that she’s happy her message is getting attention.
“I’m blown away that it went viral so fast,” she said. “But I’m also glad that it did. It means more people are getting to see that it’s still an issue.”