A Family Mountain Biking Trip in the Lake District, UK

We'll soon be going on an adventure, exploring some isalnds on the west coast of Scotland, with mountain bikes and the occasional luxury stay thrown in.
A Family Mountain Biking Trip in the Lake District, UK
Mountain Biking (A Luxury Travel Blog)

We‘ll soon be going on an adventure, exploring some isalnds on the west coast of Scotland, with mountain bikes and the occasional luxury stay thrown in. It promises to be a great experience – if the weather holds, at least – and amazingly we’ve always tended to be rather lucky in that regard with our previous trips north. Keep an eye on the blog for regular updates which, if time and internet connections permit, we’ll be doing as we go along. In the meantime, though, I thought I‘d share a ’trial run’ we took closer to home, in the English Lake District.

We have some great new bikes from Ridgeback for the job so first I'll share with you a bit of information about them. Ridgeback, if you’re not already familiar with them, were responsible for introducing mountain biking to the UK and are currently enjoying their 30th anniversary.

We have four different Ridgeback bikes among the four of us in the family. Mine is a 19″ matte black Dual Track X3, my wife’s is the 15″ Dual Track X1 which comes in a very smart-looking ‘forest green’, our eldest son loves his 13″ 602LX which is aimed at “young adults” and our youngest is very comfortable on his RX24 (he tried the 602LX but it was asking a bit too much of him at this stage!).

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Copyright © 2014 by A Luxury Travel Blog. This article was written by Paul Johnson and originally published at A Luxury Travel Blog

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