12-Year-Old Girl Arrested for Pinching Boy’s Butt

A 12-year old student at Milwee Middle School in Florida was arrested for pinching a classmate’s butt. She was charged with misdemeanor battery and briefly put in juvenile detention.
Jonathan Zhou

A 12-year-old student at Milwee Middle School in Florida was arrested for pinching a classmate’s butt. She was charged with misdemeanor battery and was briefly put in juvenile detention. 

The police themselves thought that the mother was overreacting, but decided to press charges all the same.

Evans's father deemed the arrest un-American.

Evans was arrested, had her mugshot taken, and was also suspended from school. 

Evans’s father deemed the arrest un-American. 

“I can see her being suspended from school, I understand that, but as far as them coming to arrest her the next day, no, that’s not the American way,” Ray Evans told WFTV.

Evans will have to do community service as part of a 90-day diversion program to erase the charge from her records upon completion.  

Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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