9 Journaling Practices That Can Enhance Your Life

Appreciating your life can be as simple as putting it in writing.
9 Journaling Practices That Can Enhance Your Life
Through journaling, big challenges can seem more manageable. mvc_stock/Shutterstock
Barbara Danza

Keeping a journal can unlock a greater quality of life. It allows you to exercise your creativity, think deeply, organize your thoughts, define your goals, capture meaningful moments, and much more.

Here are nine specific and simple journaling practices that can make life better.


Taking a few moments each day to reflect upon and write down what you’re grateful for may seem frivolous, but there is magic in fostering gratitude.
It takes very little time or effort but establishing a consistent habit of feeling grateful each day trains your mind to seek out and notice the blessings in your life. It allows you to pause, reflect, and show reverence for those blessings and their source. It encourages you to appreciate life and the beauty and goodness in it.


Sometimes you’re fortunate to experience special or meaningful moments that you don’t want to forget.

Designate a section of your journal to capture a running list of such moments, such as the spur-of-the moment trip to the movies as a family, the dolphins you saw swimming in the ocean, the rainy morning you spent reading your favorite book, the family road trip adventure you enjoyed, the card game with friends, the rainbow you spotted, or the goal you accomplished. Life is full of big and small moments worth capturing.

What’s more, this running list doubles as a reminder of life’s beauty whenever you need a pick-me-up.


You’ve probably heard that goals are more likely to be realized when they’re written down. You can increase the likelihood of accomplishing your goals even more if you both capture and review them frequently. Take the time to articulate your life goals in detail in your journal and review them regularly. You might be surprised at how this simple act will lead you to take action and make progress.


Habits play a powerful role in our lives. One way to ensure we’re fostering the best habits we can is to track them. Create a weekly or monthly habit tracker for those daily habits that can benefit you most. Things such as exercising, drinking a certain amount of water, engaging in your spiritual practice, making your bed, taking some specific action toward a goal, or spending time in nature might be examples of habits to track.


Keeping a section of your journal designated to ideas you want to capture can be very helpful. Whether they’re creative ideas, quotes you find inspirational, lessons you learn, or even funny jokes you hear—capturing ideas you don’t want to forget can be inspiring, educational, and encouraging for your personal growth and development.


If you’re in the habit of engaging your journal each day, then it’s a great place to add your day’s to-do list. Keep your list short enough to actually accomplish each day and circulate the top priority to encourage the right things getting done.


Another fun page to create in your journal is a list of your favorite things, whether it’s a hot cup of coffee on a brisk day, counting down to your next vacation, hugging a loved one you haven’t seen in a while, or reading picture books to your children. Whatever your favorite things in life are, jot them down as you think of them. Reading a list like that can turn the worst mood around anytime.


Bring your focus to the bigger picture; it can be beneficial to articulate your highest values and the greatest purposes you can conceive of for your life. Carefully consider your most fundamental beliefs and understandings about life and the best ways in which you can play the many roles you play. Reviewing and refining this regularly will help you live in congruence with what’s most important.


Finally, and perhaps most obviously, a journal allows you to reflect on your day, your thoughts and feelings, and your life in general. Putting pen to paper and expressing yourself in writing can make overwhelming challenges seem manageable, lead to inspiration you wouldn’t have otherwise experienced, bring clarity and focus to your life, and prove a cathartic and therapeutic exercise.

Our thoughts might tend to swirl around our minds chaotically, but depicting them on a page makes them concrete. You can see the ways in which you can improve, see positive or negative patterns, and make new connections and insights. Self-reflection is a key to a good life, and journaling encourages it.

Barbara Danza
Barbara Danza
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is BarbaraDanza.com