Whether you’re hosting guests for the holiday season or aiming to invite friends and family over more often throughout the new year, here are eight simple ways to make your home more inviting.
Clean and Declutter
First things first—if you do nothing else, now is a great time to get each room of your home in order. If it has been a while and you have some overwhelming messes, break your tasks into smaller bites and tackle one at a time.For example, if the guest bedroom has become the place where miscellaneous items land and accumulate, choose one small part of the room to clear out first, then another, and then another, until it’s tidy.
Not only will a clean and decluttered space make your guests feel good, but also, it will reduce your stress and anxiety, making you a better host.
Think About the Entryway
The entryway is the first impression of your home. Make guests feel welcome and at ease by creating a tidy and personalized space when you walk in the door. Establish an unmissable place for guests to put coats and accessories upon arrival so they can feel more comfortable immediately upon entering your home.Create a Beverage Station
A beverage station at the ready for your guests’ arrival will make them feel welcome and comfortable. You can prepare items in advance by making sure your ice is always fresh and an ice bucket is clean and standing by. Stock your kitchen with a variety of beverage choices, including kid-friendly options if children are likely to be among your houseguests. Don’t forget drinkware—disposable and otherwise.When guests do come by, it will take only a few minutes to set out your offerings and make your visitors feel welcome and appreciated.
Prep the Bathroom
Make this room easy to locate in your home, perhaps with a special hanging on the door or knob. The room should be very clean, with everything in working order, from the plumbing fixtures to the lighting. Now’s the time to take care of any bathroom issues that have been on your list.Additionally, offering enjoyable scents, a basket of toiletries, lovely linens, and a selection of reading materials are all special touches any guest would appreciate.