8 Things You Can’t Just Toss in the Recycling Bin

Recycling centers can handle many types of plastic and glass but they can’t recycle all the odds and ends.
8 Things You Can’t Just Toss in the Recycling Bin
Different services and recycling companies have varying requirements and handling capabilities. (Peter Dazeley/Getty Images/TNS)

Recycling isn’t just throwing any and all plastic and glass items into a bin and sending them off. Some recycling centers can handle many different types of plastics and glass, even without pre-sorting, but few can recycle everything—especially the odds and ends that end up tossed in a home recycling system because they are ostensibly made from recyclable materials.

Learning how to recycle responsibly (and effectively ) means learning the mysterious recycle symbol system. It can also include adopting a zero waste lifestyle or researching other zero waste disposal options, but at minimum, recycling everything the proper way is key to protecting the environment as much as possible.

Trying to recycle the unrecyclable through conventional recycling methods can gum up the whole process. “It’s a waste of time, money, and other resources when recycling centers have to deal with things they don’t accept,” explains Darby Hoover, a recycling expert with the Natural Resources Defense Council. These items can’t go in your recycling bin, but you can still get rid of them responsibly.

Before tackling new and different disposal methods, though, do some research on your recycling provider. Different services and recycling companies have varying requirements and handling capabilities, so double-check that they can’t, in fact, accept your item before looking into alternative responsible disposal options. If they can’t, read on to learn how to recycle (or responsibly get rid of) these common items.

1. Coffee Pods

Most coffee pods are not recyclable through curbside pickup. Consider checking with your local municipality. If they don’t accept pods, you can search regionally at Earth911.com.

2. Glass Kitchenware

Most of the glass cookware in your kitchen either has been treated or is too thick for the recycling plant to handle. Donate anything in decent shape and toss or upcycle the rest.

3. Mirrors

Because the glass has been treated, old mirrors should be donated to charity. Broken ones will have to be put in your regular trash or upcycled.

4. Packing Materials

Take foam peanuts and other packing materials to a local shipping store or small business that ships items often and can reuse them.

5. Plastic Bags, Wrap, or Packaging Film

Some grocery stores will let you return plastic bags (including shopping bags, zip-top bags, bread bags, and dry cleaning bags) to be recycled by a special handler, notes Sarah Womer, founder of Zero to Go.

6. Shredded Paper

Once paper has been shredded, it’s too small for most recyclers to handle. Check with your municipality about how to package it for pickup or ask if there is a local drop-off location that will accept it.

7. Takeout Food Containers

If you can tear a cardboard container, it is typically safe to put in your curbside compost bin. Otherwise it goes in the trash. Wash and reuse plastic ones—they aren’t safe for long-term food storage but can be put to good use organizing odds and ends in your junk drawer or basement.

8. Water Filters

These are made from composite materials that municipal recycling centers aren’t able to handle. Check with your filter manufacturer for a takeback program.
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