8 Things to Include in Your Nighttime Routine

8 Things to Include in Your Nighttime Routine
(George Rudy/Shutterstock)
Barbara Danza

Many people pay particular attention to their morning routine but not as much to their nighttime routine. As the day presses on and energy levels dwindle, it’s too easy to find oneself falling asleep in front of the television with an open bag of chips. Clearly, there’s a better way.

One of the best ways to ensure a great day ahead is to start the night before. Here are eight things to do before bed to make each tomorrow better.

Wrap Up the Day

Before winding down, take a few minutes to make sure your work is completed, your home is tidy, and any open loops have been closed. Finishing the work of the day allows you to enjoy a relaxing evening with a mind at ease.

Set Tomorrow’s Intention

Spend a few minutes thinking about the new day ahead. What would make it great? What obligations must you uphold? What are the three most important things to accomplish? What’s the thing you’re most looking forward to? Jot down your ideas and rest assured that you’ve got some direction for the morning.

Get Comfy

Take the time to wash up, put comfortable pajamas on, and generally take care of yourself. It can be tempting to cut corners when you’re tired, but it’s worth the effort to maintain and care for yourself.

Dim the Lights

Utilize the lighting in your home, along with your fireplace or candles, to set an atmosphere of rest and relaxation. Turning down the lights will begin to signal to your mind that it’ll soon be time to sleep.

Enjoy a Warm Beverage

Warm milk, decaffeinated tea, or some blend that you prefer provides a cozy accompaniment to the act of winding down. Treat yourself to a restful beverage to enjoy each evening.

Catch Up With Loved Ones

Spend screen-free quality time with your loved ones each evening. Check in with each other, talk about your day, and have fun.

Avoid Screens Before Bed

Digital devices should be put away as early as possible, and the television shouldn’t be the last thing you see before you fall asleep. Give your mind a break from those stimulants and allow quiet to conclude your night.
Time writing or reading before bed can work wonders to get yourself ready for a sound night’s sleep.

Fall Asleep on Time

The key to getting to sleep on time is to begin your nighttime routine early. Allow ample time to wind down and get sleepy so that you can enjoy a full night’s sleep and ride tomorrow with a full tank of energy to tackle the day.
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is BarbaraDanza.com
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