8 Quirky Places to Visit Around the World

8 Quirky Places to Visit Around the World
Tunnel of Love in Ukraine via Shutterstock*

Planet Earth is an incredibly beautiful and intriguing place, but it is also full of quirky little gems and here we are going to outline just a few of them.

Rabbit Island, Japan

Ōkunoshima Island, more commonly known as Usagi Jima, or “Rabbit Island,” is famous for the hundreds of feral rabbits that call this island home. The rabbits here are incredibly curious and have little to no fear of humans, so they have a tendency to run towards, and clamber around, humans in their vast numbers. A definite must-see for all rabbit lovers.

Wigwam Motel, USA

In San Bernardino, California is the Wigwam Motel. If hotels and hostels are not giving you enough of a travel buzz then try this unique motel where you can spend the night in a Native American style tipi (mistakenly referred to here as wigwams). Only an hour outside of Los Angeles and lying on route 66, it’s the perfect getaway for road-trippers and backpackers.

Waitomo Glowworm Caves, New Zealand

Imagine caves illuminated with the blue-green luminescence of thousands of glowworms. On the North Island of New Zealand you can experience just that by taking a tour, by boat, deep into the caves and see for yourself the extraordinarily magical artwork of these creatures.

Coober Pedy, Australia

Located 850 km north of Adelaide lies the unique town of Coober Pedy, home to around 2000 residents. What’s so special about this town, I hear you say? Well, all the residences, shops, churches and bars are built underground and are known as dugouts. It is a real life underground town, complete with hotels and tourist hubs for those who want to pay a visit and see how life works below the surface.

Wonderland, China

Once upon a time, China dreamt of building its very own Disneyland-style theme park – only bigger. However, plans for construction fell through shortly into the building process, leaving the shell of a fairytale castle remaining. For those who want to visit the abandoned castle, the fields near Chenzhuang village on the outskirts of Beijing are open to any and all visitors wanting to take a look. (photo from above)

Lake Hillier, Australia

Chances are that when you think of lakes and rivers you imagine the water to appear a sort of blue/green color but this lake takes a turn for the unexpected and is a very vibrant shade of pink instead. A natural wonder to behold, it’s rare that you will see something like this very often.

Tunnel Of Love, Ukraine

Tunnel of Love in Ukraine via Shutterstock*
Tunnel of Love in Ukraine via Shutterstock*

Like a scene out of a fantasy novel, the tunnel of love in Klevan, Ukraine is a leafy green tunnel of trees that surrounds a railway line that is still in use today. Popular with couples and photographers this 3 km stretch is a treasure to behold.

To Sua Ocean Trench, Samoa

This picturesque location is essentially a sunken pool of water surrounded by lush green gardens with a ladder leading 15 meters down to the water for any and all who want to take a dip. Located near Lotofaga village, the crystal turquoise waters will entice all who come to visit and the gardens surrounding the edge of the pool have breathtaking views all the way across to the Pacific Ocean.

Of course, the world is a place full of wonders and gems and we can only hope to give you a little taster of what’s out there, but hopefully this has sparked your passion for traveling the world over once again.

Copyright © 2014 by the Dauntless Jaunter Travel Site. This article was written by  Bethan Newman and originally published on dauntlessjaunter.com.

*Image of Tunnel of Love in Ukraine via Shutterstock

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