7 Everyday Activities That Totally Count As Homeschooling

Homeschoolers like to say things like, “the world is our classroom,” “learning is everywhere,” and “life is learning.”
7 Everyday Activities That Totally Count As Homeschooling
Kids don’t learn how to do laundry in school but they sure do in homeschool. (Africa Studio/Shutterstock)
Barbara Danza

Homeschoolers like to say things like, “the world is our classroom,” “learning is everywhere,” and “life is learning.”

Non-homeschoolers and even new homeschoolers can sometimes be skeptical of such statements. They sound, perhaps, lazy or neglectful.

Veteran homeschoolers know, however, that they’re completely true.

So, in your homeschool, take heart on those days when nobody is having any of your big ideas or your fancy curriculum, when the routine falters and the schedule gets tossed out the window—just go about your day and watch those little sponges of yours soak up the learning.

Here are seven everyday activities that, for example, you can totally count as homeschool.

Grocery Shopping

Need groceries? Great. Set the budget. Have the kids go through the kitchen and come up with a list. Help then along, add what they miss, subtract out (some) of the junk they sneak on there, and head out to the store.

Let someone mind a calculator, someone else cross off the list and encourage your kids, depending on their ages, to manage the shopping.

All at once, they’re learning math, home economics, nutrition, and project management. Good stuff.

Doing Laundry

Kids don’t learn this in school but they sure do in homeschool. This is a huge omission in the college prep space. Teach them to do the laundry as early as possible and have them practice often.


Get your kids outside to play. They need exercise, fresh air, social interaction, and fun. Call it recess, call it gym class, whatever.


There are so many lessons inherent in cooking. Develop their skills until they can follow a recipe and create, serve, and clean up after an entire meal. The fruits of this effort are well worth it.

Managing Money

Your kids need to understand the value of money, how to make money, and what to do with money. Teach them to save, invest, and give. Teach them to excel in their work and create value in the world that they will be compensated for. Whether it’s your 2-year-old counting coins, your 8-year-old taking out the garbage for an allowance or your 15-year-old starting a business, this too counts as homeschool.


Put down a tablecloth, break out the paints, flick on some joyful music and invite the kids to create. Anything goes. No need for formal lessons. It’ll probably get messy but you didn’t go into homeschooling thinking that wasn’t going to happen. Let them craft all day if they want.


When in doubt, make it reading time. Quiet the house, maybe put on some low-volume ambient music, and let the kids read whatever they want. There is no more important skill to practice.

Make yourself a cup of tea and enjoy the silence. It totally counts as homeschool.

Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is BarbaraDanza.com
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