7 Creative Lunch Box Ideas For Thanksgiving

In just one short week, it will be Thanksgiving! Here are seven healthy Thanksgiving lunch box ideas to surprise your kids for the next week. They'll surely appreciate the festive lunches!
7 Creative Lunch Box Ideas For Thanksgiving
Courtesy Of Becoming a Bentoholic
Daksha Devnani

In just one short week, it will be Thanksgiving! Here are seven healthy Thanksgiving lunch box ideas to surprise your kids for the next week. They'll surely appreciate the festive lunches!

1. Thanksgiving Peanut Butter Apple Snack

(Courtesy of Creative Kids Snack)
Courtesy of Creative Kids Snack

For the recipe, click here

2. Make a turkey with carrots

(Courtesy of Creative Kids Snack)
Courtesy of Creative Kids Snack

For the recipe, click here

3. Non- Turkey Thanksgiving Lunch 

(Courtesy Of Becoming a Bentoholic)
Courtesy Of Becoming a Bentoholic

For the recipe, click here

4. Turkey Time

(Courtesy Of Becoming a Bentoholic)
Courtesy Of Becoming a Bentoholic

For the recipe, click here

5. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

(Courtesy Of Becoming a Bentoholic)
Courtesy Of Becoming a Bentoholic

For the recipe, click here

6. Thanksgiving Bento

(Courtesy Of Becoming a Bentoholic)
Courtesy Of Becoming a Bentoholic

For the recipe, click here

7. A Rafter Of Turkey

(Courtesy Of Becoming a Bentoholic)
Courtesy Of Becoming a Bentoholic

For the recipe, click here