5 Top Tips to Take the Stress Out of Flying

5 Top Tips to Take the Stress Out of Flying
Stress Out of Flying (A Luxury Travel Blog)

Travelling – and, more specifically, flying – can be a stressful experience. (I write this as someone who should really be packing for a trip right now!) That said, there are some simple measures you can take to make the process run much more smoothly, and thus make the experience less stressful than it needs to be.

Here are my five top tips:

1. Use a packing list

Knowing that you have everything – whether it be your passport or your pants – is a first sure-fire way of taking the stress out of a trip. Packing lists are a great way to achieve this and ensure that you don’t arrive at the airport without some crucial paperwork, or at your destination without a key piece of equipment. It’s always a good idea to travel light if you can and a packing list can also help prevent you carrying more than you need. I would be very interested in knowing what packing list works for you. Do you use your own custom list, or perhaps a packing list app such as Packing Pro or Travel List? Let’s hear your recommendations in the comments below!

2. Get to the airport with ample time to spare

One sure-fire way to remove a lot of the anxiety involved with flying is to arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare. Depending on your flight, you can be required to be there one, two or even three hours before departure, but leave a little more time that to make the process that little bit less stressful still.

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Copyright © 2014 by A Luxury Travel Blog. This article was written by Paul Johnson and originally published at A Luxury Travel Blog

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